Pentax 645D II
Pentax 645D II medium format camera
Pentax 645D II medium format camera release date
Seems the new Pentax 645D II will be released in Spring this year(2014).
Pentax has a medium format digital camera the Pentax 645D. Seems a new version coming for this medium format camera. The original 645 D has a 40 Mpixel 33*44mm sized medium format sensor. This is not the “normal medium format sensor, it is a little cropped, compare to the usual 6cm high sized unit. There were different formats available like: 6*4.5cm or 6×6 or 6*7, and even 6*9cm as well. The smaller medium format cameras were 5.6*4.1 cm. Interesting that Pentax still doesn’t have Full format Dsrl (36*24mm), but has a medium format(44mm*33mm) camera. The new camera will have a 50Mp CMOS sensor according to the rumors. Seems the sensor will be the same as the sensor of the Hasselblad H5D-50c and the Phase One IQ250 back. The sensor is rumoured to be manufactured by Sony. The earlier version the Pentax 645D has a CCD sensor, while the new unit will have a CMOS sensor which is more capable in low light, makes it possible to shoot faster, and makes possible Live view or video recording.
Pentax 645D II medium format camera rumoured specifications
Sensor size:44*33mm
Sensor type: CMOS
Resolution: rumoured 50 Megapixel
ISO range: rumored to be 100-204,800
Burst mode: 3 fps
Autofocus: Safox XI
USB 3.0 connectivity
Crop factor: approximately 1.3 (5.4*4cm sensors has a 1 cropping factor in medium format)
Pentax 645D II medium format camera availability
Seems the new Pentax 645 d II will be available in Spring 2014.
Pentax 645D II medium format camera price
The price of the new Pentax 645 d II rumoured around 10,000 USD.