Samsung NX2000 specs


Samsung NX2000 specs

Samsung NX2000 specs
Samsung NX2000 main parameters

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Samsung NX2000 specs
Samsung NX2000
Release date: 2013

Photo parameters

Resolution: 20 Megapixel
Picture size: 5472×3648 Pixel
Other picture sizes
ISO range: 100- (25600)
Shutter speed: 1/4000-30s
Dynamic range: unknown
Colour depth: unknown
Dxo high iso score: unknown
Exposure compensation: unknown
Focus points: 21
Built in flash: no
Flash external connection: yes
Lens mount: Samsung NX
Continuous shooting: 8 fps


Live view: yes
Video: yes
HDR: yes
Panorama: yes
3D: no
Wifi: no
GPS (usually just geotagging): no
Sensor cleaning: yes

Physical parameters

Sensor format: Aps-C
Crop factor: 1.5x
Sensor size: 23.5*15.7mm
Weight: 228g (8 oz.)
Camera Size: 119 x 65 x 36 mm
LCD: 1152k dots, size 3.7″
Flipout LCD: no
Touch screen: yes
Viewfinder size/coverage: none
Storage slots: 1/micro sd, sdhc, sdxc card
Battery: 340 shots, ED-BP1130 Li-ion

Video parameters

Video autofocus: unknown
Video sizes: HD 1920×1080/30 1920×810/30,24 1280×720/30 SD 640×480/30 320×240/30
External mic jack connection: no
Max length of clips: 29m 59s
Movie format: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
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Samsung NX2000 other parameters and features

Start up time: unknown
Self timer: 30 s, 2 s

Samsung NX2000 standard accessories

-AC Adapter/USB Cable
-ED-BP1130 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Pack (7.6VDC, 1130mAh)
-SEF-8A Hot Shoe Mount Flash Unit

 Posted by at 5:30 pm