How to make sharp images 1.


Dslr camera tips – How to make sharp images 1.

how to make sharp images

How to make sharp images? Many people likes to make sharp images.
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My first tip for making sharp images is to use high shutter speed.

Turn your camera to Shutter priority mode (S or Tv). Then adjust 1/1000s or at least 1/500s. For this you need lots of light, not works well in the shadow. If the light is not ideal use higher ISO value like 400, 800, or even 1600. Use an aperture of f/5.6-f/8 or f/8-f/10 for longer lenses, for this perhaps you need to adjust the ISO. If your lens has a stabilizer better to turn it off. Try to focus on something in closer distances(1-5m) with good contrast. Look at the pictures you made. Are the pictures you made are sharp enough? If not read the second tip.

 Posted by at 2:34 pm