Which Canon Dsrl to buy ? – Canon Aps-C Dsrl comparison table


Which Canon Dsrl to buy ? – Canon Aps-C Dsrl comparison table

Which Canon Dsrl to buy ? – Canon Aps-C Dsrl comparison table

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Which Canon Dsrl to buy ? – Canon Aps-C Dsrl comparison table

Canon Aps-C Dsrl comparison table May 2014

Canon 7d II
Canon 7d
Canon 70d
Canon 60d/60da
Canon 700d
Canon 650d
Canon 600d
Canon 550d
Canon 1200d
Canon 1100d
Canon 100d
Release date 2014 2009 2013 2010/2012 2013 2012 2011 2010 2014 2011 2013
High iso performance 1082 854 926 813 681 722 793 807 724 755 843
Dynamic range 11,8 EV 11,7 EV 11,6 EV 11,8 EV 11,2 EV 11,2 EV 11,5 EV 11,6 EV 11,3 EV 11 EV 11,3 EV
Colour depth 22.4 22 22,5 22,2 21,7 21,7 22,1 22 21,9 21,9 21,8
Flipout screen No No yes yes yes yes yes No No No No
Touch screen No No yes No yes yes No No No No yes
Live view yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Lcd resolution 1040 k dots 920k dots 1040k dots 1040k dots 1040k dots 1040k dots 1040k dots 920k dots 460k dots 230k dots 1040k dots
Focus points 65 19 19 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Cross type points 65 19 19 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1
Camera weight 920g 820g 755g 755g around 550g around 550g around 550g around 550g around 500g around 500g around 400g
Video 1920×1080 1920×1080 1920×1080 1920×1080 1920×1080 1920×1080 1920×1080 1920×1080 1920×1080 1280×720 1920×1080

First the above table can be quite complicated for some people. I thought I can help to simplify this.

At the top of the table can be found the different Canon Dsrl cameras. Canon 550d means Canon Rebel T2i, 600d Rebel T3i, etc.

Settings explained

The following three parameters are very interesting regarding picture quality

High iso:

The Camera sensor‘s raw data how good pictures the camera can make in low light or sports or wildlife where fast shutter speed is required. The datas are based on the Dxomark laboratory measurements. Usually these cameras makes clean images until 1600 iso, quite usable images until 6400 iso, above that range the pictures are usually ugly with red dots and all kinds of artifacts similar what compact cameras makes in dark environment. The bigger number shows better low light performance. It is interesting though that from Canon 550d to 700d the low light performance of the Rebel line almost continuously degrades, colour depth and dynamic range as well?

Dynamic range

means: How much difference in light the camera can captures, how much detail in the shadow, and how quickly the sky burns out.

Colour depth

: means how many colours the camera can capture
This datas doesn’t tell the whole story though (lot of things are depend on a software especially low light ability) unless you shoot in Raw.

The above cameras are all fall in the following categories:

1. Dsrl

– Digital single reflex cameras. This means all this cameras contains a mirror and a prism or mirror which enables the shooter to see through the lens at the viewfinder at the top of the camera. Most of this cameras also can be used as the “normal” compact cameras to make the pictures or videos looking at the LCD at the back of the camera. What is the advantages of this “mirrored” system compare to Compact or Mirrorless (MILC) cameras ? If we want to make a photo of a bird or airplane and we lift the camera the normal mirrorless camera usually “blows out” what we see white colour on the screen. With Dsrl cameras we exactly see as we see with our eyes, depending the lens magnification we see close or farer. When we does does this, we have no battery consumption, compare to the other cameras which uses the battery strongly,depending the LCD size and resolution, frame rate, etc.

2. Sensor size Aps-C.

All cameras has approximately the same sensor size what we call Aps-C. Aps-C size is approximately 22,5mm x 15mm. Full frame camera sensor size is bigger: 36x24mm. A new Full frame camera is much more expensive than the Aps-C sensor sized cameras in the above table. If you interested in Full frame cameras see the page here

3. Pro, prosumer and consumer cameras.

The Cameras in the above table fall into the three categories: Pro-sumer or semi-pro cameras: (Canon7d, 70d,60d), Consumer cameras: all the other. The Canon 100d has it’s own category because it is a smaller camera, the smallest Dsrl available today. What are the differences ?

-The Semi pro cameras are bigger, heavier, more durable and has better grip for people with larger hands. They have better battery life and this cameras designed for heavy usage. This cameras are typically designed for people who use their cameras very often, and like to adjust their cameras frequently themselves, instead of using in auto mode.

-The consumer cameras are smaller, lighter, and usually doesn’t have so many external controls. Some of them has a tutorial mode which helps the beginners how to adjust the camera.

-The Canon 100D is a very small 400g camera, with almost the same functionality as the other consumer cameras.

4. How do this above cameras compare to older models ?

Perhaps many people interested how these cameras compare to older models such as Canon20D, 30D or the older Canon 5d Full frame cameras ? This cameras are significantly better than Canon 10D,20D,30D or 300d,400d,450d,500d models. The low light ability is much better and the LCD are a lot better than older cameras. Old Full frame 5d picture quality generally is significantly better than any of the above cameras, but hasn’t got iso 6400 setting, has old 230k LCD, perhaps slow function, odd shutter sound, big and heavy compare to the smaller models.

5. What to consider before buy ?

Several things to consider before buy: How much is our budget? Do we want to use the cameras video function often ? If you have a budget for a Canon 70d which is the best available today, must consider that the 7d Mk II perhaps come soon, and perhaps will be much better than the 70d, but this is not sure, perhaps going to be the same as all the others. The 70d is not a big jump what perhaps everybody expected regarding picture quality compare to the older models. The video function is improved but still not up to the speed of the Panasonic Milc cameras for example. Double pixel focusing only works in live mode. If we want to use video function often, better to choose a camera with a moveable LCD.

6. I cannot decide which one to get ?

All kinds of specification and tales about the functions is often used to confuse lots of people instead of helps in clear decision. In my mind the above cameras are like this: If your budget is very tight perhaps get the Canon 1100d or the Canon 550d used. The big difference between the two is that the 550d (and all the others) has much-much better LCD and significantly better picture quality, especially in low light, and much better video function.

If you want a very small and light camera to have fun with, and perhaps not wants to adjust the camera often get the Canon 100d. If you serious about photography and wants to use your camera extensively I wouldn’t buy the 100d as the “main camera”, because the 550d-700d line is several ways better, and more common, and not much bigger. The jpgs of the Canon 550d is much the better than the jpgs of the Canon 100d at iso 4000.

If you wants to shoot wildlife or birds, or wants to shoot extensively, wants to adjust the camera often and has the budget consider the 70d, 7d, or 60d. But, I wouldn’t put too much money to Camera bodies if you hasn’t get quality lenses yet. With a quality lens and a cheapest camera you can make much better images, than a cheap lens and the best camera. In long term the best camera body loses it’s half value in several years or even in a year, the quality lens going to be more and more expensive.

 Posted by at 3:29 pm