Sep 102014

Common redstart Phoenicuros phoenicuros

Common redstart Phoenicuros phoenicuros

common redstart phoenicuros phoenicuros

The Common redstart unlike Black redstart is not the most common bird in Hungary, but not very rare either. It is funny I just thought about how sharp is the Canon 200mm f/2.8 with a 2x converter, when the bird flied just in front of me very close on the fence.

The bird on the picture is the female bird, the male bird has different look. The area around the head from below is black on the male bird, the belly is orange like the female, but perhaps little more strong color, the whole back of the bird is grey-like. There are some white color as well above the black and below as well. The bird looks very similar of the very common Black redstart in size and tail color and look. The length of the bird is app 14cm, the wingspan is 20-24cm, The common redstart is a protected bird in Hungary.
The birds usually lay 5-7 light blue eggs. The common redstart is arrive in March-April in Hungary and stays until September/October.

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