Cokin Nuances ND filters
ND filters
ND filters are widely used in creative landscape photography, mainly for moving water shots (waterfalls long exposure shots including water), or for other creative effects. ND filters (neutral density filters, or simple gray filters) are blocking light quantity allowing longer shutter speed. Also used in super bright telephoto lenses (f/2.8 or even brighter) in daylight to allow shallow depth of field while allowing lower shutter speeds.
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Cokin Nuances
Cokin announced a new filter family called nuances. The filters are available between 1 (ND2) and 10 stops of strength (ND 1024). The filters can be stacked without any color casts according to the manufacturer. The filters are block infared light. The filter system includes a filter holder, a filter, and an adapter ring. It is not for granted that this new filters are compatible with all existing filter holders, better check before buy. The filters made from Schott glass B270, which is known from it’s excellent characteristics, with Cokin’s new metallic alloy nano coating. The filters will be priced in the 94-250 USD range.