Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review


Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review

kenko pro 2x review 2

Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review
Official name:

Kenko Teleplus PRO 300 DGX 2x AF Teleconverter (latest version in 2014)
As I know teleconverters with Tamron name essentially the same as the Kenko.
kenko pro 2x teleconverter review

Introduction – Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review

The 2x teleconverters are a waste of money for most lenses. Why ?
-Reduced light by two f-stops
-Viewfinder will be also a lot darker, for f4 lenses become f8 here the viewfinder already very dark, f5.6 lenses will be f11
-Significally affects image quality, especially contrast and sharpness
-Even most sharp lenses needs stop down to have good results
-Enlarge dust or any other optical problems with the magnification
-not many people happy with the 2x converter performance

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Specifications – Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review

Optical formula:7 elements in 4 groups
Focal length:2x of the main lens
Aperture: 2x of the main lens
Aperture blades:-
Magnification: 2x
Close focus distance:as for the native lens this way macro capability doubled
Weight: 184g
Filter size:
Compatibility: As the mounts like Canon Nikon etc, not for Canon Ef-s lenses(not fits) for Nikon Af-s lens needed for autofocus function
Vr work or does not work
Compatibility information from the official site
Available mounts: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax

Best lenses with this converter

The best lenses to use with this converter are the f/2.8 or brighter longer primes like Canon or Nikon 135mm f/2, 200mm f/2, 200mm f/2.8, 300mm f/2.8 or 400mm f/2.8 lenses. Perhaps Canon 70-200 f2.8 II or Nikon 70-200 f2.8 Vr lenses or older f2.8 Pro versions. Lenses like Canon 50/1.8 gives very low quality results with a 2x Tc.

Optical quality

This little converter has excellent optical quality but cannot make a bad lens better. Even brightest and sharpest lenses like the Canon 200mm f2.8L degrade image quality significantly. What is changing ? Contrast especially and sharpness as well. Zoom lenses typically with lot more contrast robbing elements has poorer quality with converters. For example 70-300 consumer zooms becomes 600mm f/11 lenses with very low quality.
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Canon 200mm f2.8 with Kenko pro 2x dgx 400mm at f/9 iso 1600 1/1250s no sharpening just in camera Canon 30D the quality is very good but needed very high iso for this shot click to see in 1200 pix image
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Canon 200mm f2.8 with Kenko pro 2x dgx 400mm iso 1600 f/9 1/3200s
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Tips and tricks to have better images

What I do little underexpose images a little, like 1/3 or 1/2 f-stops, which is good to enhance contrast and makes the lens faster in optical terms. Even the very good lens usually need stop down a bit. The Canon 200 f/2.8L is best at f9. (Lens at f4.5 + 2x converter.) Other thing what helps the most is post processing like sharpening and adding some contrast. What is more easy to chose bigger sized subjects like deers or rabbits or bigger birds. Other things that helps to shoot birds at flight or next to water or open areas where are usually more light available for sharp images. From mobile or fixed hides we can get close to subjects. Other things that helps is white objects to have high shutter speed.

Build quality

The build quality of the Kenko is solid. If we attach the lens wobbling is minimal. The Canon is a little more solid though, but also heavier. The Kenko is smaller and lighter than the Canon 2x Mk II.

Compare to 1.4x and 2x converters

The difference is significant, the 1.4 converters has much better contrast and sharpness with the same lens. I guess the 1.7x is also much better(didn’t checked yet). This is expected and logical. But sometimes we want more reach.

Compare to

Canon and Nikon also has 2x converters, in practical usage the Kenko is not significally worse than this converters. In the lab the native converters are a little bit better, but the difference is minimal. The big difference is that the, Canon converters has a protruding element which not let attach them to any lenses just Canon L-s with a focal length of 135mm and longer. Also the Kenko latest dgx version has a much quicker autofocus operation, than most Canon 2x converters.


For this money this converter has a very good value, but only on very sharp and bright lenses. On not so good/bright lenses it has a low value.
Better to have the 1.4x instead


Increase reach significantly, much cheaper and more light and compact than a longer lens. Doubles magnification for macro. Can attach to any lens unlike Canon converters. Better autofocus speed.


Significantly decrease image quality, contrast and sharpness


For longer brighter very sharp lenses this converter gives significantly more reach at affordable price. Not recommended for consumer grade lenses, better to have a better lens for the price instead.

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Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review
Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review
Kenko pro 2x teleconverter review


 Posted by at 6:52 pm