Long eared owl Asio otus Erdei fülesbagoly

Long eared owl Canon 200mm 2.8L+Canon 2x Mk II
This Owl sat on the tree in a suburb area garden in 1.5-2m height. Sometimes this can happen, not very often that we can have a chance to take a nice picture without doing anything special or extraordinary for it. The Owl was a little sleepy, don’t really care about the dogs running under it in a very close distance.
I manage to wake him up to a level to open his eyes (with closed eyes the photo would be uninteresting, after he closed back again), but he remained on the tree afterwards as well. A new pet, a Long eared Owl. I called him Dezso. Cool !
I only see Dezso after once, where was a huge noise made by singing birds around the tree at the back part of the same garden, I went there to check what is this noise about, and Dezso was sitting on the walnut tree, but singing birds found him and finally made him fly away to the next tree, after the next tree, after I don’t see him. I don’t know how far the chase went.
Click to see in 1100 pixel Sleepy Owl
The Singing birds looked very determined and brave in the chase. There were several types of birds like Thrushes, Starlings and smaller birds as well, I think around five or more species, but the whole thing happened very fast and I cannot recognize the other species.
Long Eared Owls are the most common Owls in Hungary. In certain cities mainly in the Great Plain lots of Owls gather in winter in some cities.
Long eared owl Asio otus facts
Size: 35-40 cm (1.2-1.4′)
Wingspan 90-100 cm (3-3.34′)
Weight: 2200-4350 g (5.7-10 lbs)
Habitat: likes Open areas, widely spread Europe, Asia, Northern America
Diet: Rodents mostly Common vole (Microtus arvalis)
Family: Strigiformes
In Hungary this Owl is the most Common. In winter these Owls gathers in cities in the Great Plain sometimes in huge numbers.