Podicipedidae Vöcsökfélék


Podicipedidae Vöcsökfélék

Little grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis

A relatively smaller(25-29cm) bird, and more shy than the Great crested grebe. If the bird see you immediately go under the water. The Little Grebe can swim 40-50mm under the water. Stays more time under the water than the Great crested grebe. The bird mostly stays in the water and under the water. Very rarely flies, prefer to go under the water if escapes. Stays in Hungary between March and November but sometimes stays. In mating season the bird has reddish colour at the face.
podicipedidae vöcsökfélék
Little grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis

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Great crested grebe – Podiceps christatus

Common bird in Hungary. Not really a shy bird, some places the birds slalom between the kayaks and canoes. Relatively bigger bird, its size similar to Mallards(45-50cm) but thinner. Eats small fishes, insects and vegetation which the bird catch usually under the water. The bird can swim underwater for a minute, and can swim 40-50 meters. The colours of the bird is different in winter and in Spring season. The bird has small wings, and rarely flies. Prefers the lakes above rivers.
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus

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Podicipedidae Vöcsökfélék

The mating birds are turn their heads around

Podicipedidae Vöcsökfélék

Red necked grebe – Podiceps grisegena

The red necked grebe is approximately same sized as the Great crested grebe. The top of the head is black, and has a white spot on the head. The neck is red as its name suggests. Much more rare bird in Hungary than the other two grebes mentioned before. The red necked grebe prefers the more reed covered lakes.

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 Posted by at 11:04 pm