Black and white experiments
In some cases when we are amid lot of different colors (for example in a kids playing room) we want to get rid of them. Some cases the too many colors can be disturbing, and can attract our attention away from the main theme. We switch to black and white and we have a much simpler image. We can create black and white photographs multiple ways, either desaturate the colored photographs or simply use BW picture style if we have it in our camera settings. Lately I chosed the BW camera setting on my Nikon d7000 as the ones I desaturated from colored ones doesn’t look like I would like them to look like. At first BW photograps can look awkward, but if we know what we want, we can get very happy with these photographs. Some cases a colored photo looks much better, depend on our preference.
You can click on the pictures to see them in higher resolution, which I prefer over small web size. I like the above photo, not because it is a brilliant view, but looks like the time has stopped for a moment, like a memory. Perhaps the background music can help as well, which I hear. The photo was made next to River Tisza in Hungary, which is the second biggest river in Hungary, where you can find this kind of place. Not many places like that without lighting, pavement and artificial surroundings. This beach is totally natural at this state, nothing just nature, huge trees, not even a stairs, you can reach the shore from steps which is made by dug the natural soil. Not many places like this in the World today, apart from the abandoned areas.
The black and white photographs are much simpler and the shapes and forms, and light level differences are more obvious. Interestingly Ansel Adams used BW for their landscapes, although he could also would have used colored photographs as well.
Retro look / feel
In many cases black and white photographs can look retro as it can resemble the film photographs. What do you think about the photograph below ? When it was taken ? (2016 august)
The easy win situation in Black and white is portraits. Either a wedding portrait or other, we can create very nice photographs without strong efforts.
Some points for experimentation
– Strong lights
– Shadows (for example a tunnel)
– Reflection
– Portraits
– Out of focus shots
– Retro objects combined with oof
– Clouds
– Blacks
– Whites