
Goshawk vs sparrowhawk

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Aug 292014

Goshawk vs sparrowhawk
Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) vs Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)

If we see the raptor flying it is hard to identify, which bird we saw.

Goshawk vs sparrowhawk
Canon 200mm f/2.8+2x converter

Goshawk vs sparrowhawk

I had the same dilemma with this shot. Why is the dilemma? Because the two raptors looks quite similar. The shape of the wings, the tail, and the colors are very similar especially from longer distances. If the bird is closer it is much easier to identify.


Approximately a buzzard sized bird, but very strong, can prey an adult rabbit, or everything up to that size. Even can eat raptors like Owls, Buzzards, or Eagle chicks.


The Sparrowhawk is mostly eats small birds. The Sparrowhawk is much smaller sized like the Goshawk. A male Sparrowhawk is smaller than a Rook.


-Sparrowhawk is much more common, especially in cities, Goshawk is more rare
-Goshawk is usually bigger
-male Sparrowhawk has browinsh-orange color in the chest, which is not for Goshawk
– Goshawk has white featers above the tail
– Goshawk is usually more fat.
– legs of the Goshawk are more strong
– Sparrowhawk tail is more square, while Goshawk’s tail is more round
– Goshawk has orange eyes, Sparrowhawk has Yellow eyes (only can be seen from close distances)

Based on the above, the raptor on the picture more like a Sparrowhawk. (Square shaped tail, not so fat).

The most obvious difference of the species is the size between the birds, usually the female are 20% bigger at both species. The Goshawk usually significantly bigger. But a big female Sparrowhawk and a smaller male Goshawk can be quie similar in size. And if the birds are not so close to us it is sometimes hard to judge the size of the bird from the distance.

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 Posted by at 1:14 pm

July news

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Jul 242014
July news

Now I play with the Canon 5d Mk III (see the review at camera reviews tab) and several lenses for that:
-the Canon 24-70mm f4 is
-the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 is II posted
-the Tokina 16-28mm review already posted, I though perhaps some Full frame reviews would be interesting for some people interested.
I also going to work on photography lessons for beginners, to have a complete lesson series about dslr photography basics for anyone interested.

Other lens reviews are also coming such as the:

Canon 70-300 is – just posted
Nikon 105mm macro
Canon 18-55 is stm
Canon 17-55 is
Canon 17-55 is vs Tamron 17-50

Other plans for the future:

Nikon 85mm f1.8 g review
Canon 85mm f1.8 review
Canon 70d review

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 Posted by at 2:58 pm

Garden birds May 2014

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May 192014
Garden birds May 2014

Last update:06/06/2014
I going to update this post several times in order to make the post more complete. I collect typical garden birds of Hungary.
I thought to write on the blog a bit about some garden birds. I don’t really write much here, I though I start to write here more as well.
I put some nest boxes out in the garden, with moderate success. There are different types of them depending the dimensions of the entry hole. The smallest boxes is for smallest birds like wren or blue tit. Wren is not really occur in the garden. Wrens like relatively more abandoned areas near the water. I saw blue tits several times in the garden but not very often like Green finches, Blackbirds, House sparrows, Redstart or Collared doves. The bigger boxes is for Woodpeckers with bigger openings and there are some boxes in between. I put the boxes out before Spring.
garden birds may There are some nestling in the garden but not in the boxes. A young blackbird almost flies to my head. Younger birds are much easier to photograph. The constant voice helps to find them. The pictures are not top quality because I made them with Canon 200mm f/2.8 lens with two converters attached, this is my “lazy” setup 560mm f/8 equivalent, which is quite long. I can make pictures of small birds from 15-20m, bigger sized birds even from longer distances. Focusing is not so easy from bigger distances especially in front of busy backgrounds. The long distance allows to frame pictures closer than with 300 or 400mm lenses. I also put a place with water for the birds to bath. This place is very popular in dry seasons. The birds use the water to get rid of small creatures eat their feathers.

Blackbird – Turdus merula

The blackbird is one of the most common bird in Hungary. This specie formerly was a migrating bird, but seems this is changed. The birds in the cities perhaps the easiest to photograph even from several meters. In Spring like to sing in the rooftops or electric poles in the suburbs.
garden birds
The photo was made with a Canon 200mm f/2.8L lens+1.4Kenko dgx converter at f/4 wide open. Sometimes birds with white color also can appear. The birds outside of the city are much more “wild” hard to approach them unlike the ones in the city. Blackbird fond of fresly cutted grass, they immediately occur after cutting looking for worms. The young birds are spotted on the chest, and even more “friendly” than the old ones. The plumage of the young bird is brownish usually.


Common nightingale – Luscinia megarhynchos

nightingale The nightingale is a tricky specie to photograph. Although his distinctive strong voice makes clear where the bird is, it is very hard to make a good photo of the bird, because usually the bird is hiding. Sometimes like on the photo the bird feel safe and go out of the bushes or tree and goes out for some singing. As the name of the bird refers to it this bird can sing anytime nighttime included. The bird has brown colour, but little reddish at the tail. Last March it was very cold in Hungary, 2m snow fell and a lot of birds could not survive. I was very concerned about the Nightingale, but it appears that they managed to survive. There is an another specie, the Thrush Nightingale or Sprosser – Luscinia luscinia which is quite similar bird but little bigger, and has darker plumage. Unfortunately the latter bird is quite rare in Hungary, more common in the Northern part of Europe.

Spotted flycatcher – Muscicapa striata


Wheatear – Oenanthe oenanthe

The wheatear is not really a garden bird, but I thought can be interesting. I don’t see this bird very often. It is not a rarity but not a very common bird either in Hungary.

Common wood pidgeon – Columba palumbus


Barn swallow – Hirundo rustica

The barn swallow is a typical bird of Hungarian villages. The Barn swallows usually nest in human settlements, in nests made of mud on the walls or under the roof of the houses, or agricultural buildings (barns). The barn swallow do not afraid very much of people, one pair is make their nest just above our heads, without caring too much we sitting under their nest. A very friendly bird, his nice voice always remind me the summer season. A Hungarian proverb say one swallow doesn’t make summer. Unfortunately the population of the swallows decreased significantly between 2001 and 2006.
garden birds may 2014 Barn swallow Hirundo rustica
The barn swallow usually arrive in Hungary in April. The birds usually stays in Hungary until September. Usually the birds have chicks two or maximum three times a year. There are usually 4-6 eggs in the nest. The chicks hatch from eggs after 14-16 days. The chicks need 18-23 days to leave the nest.

Common Kestrel – Falco tinnunculus

Canon 200mm f/2.8+Canon 2xMk II+Kenko 1.4 dgx (560mm) f/20 ISO 800 1/1250s Canon 30D camera Shutter priority at 1/1250s not a best quality but compare to it was made with two converters stacked quite ok. For this shot a 600mm lens is needed if we want better quality, with very precise autofocus. The autofocus of the 200mm is superb even with this two converters attached, but it is not so ease to keep the camera steady and focus properly in the viewfinder and the subject is moving as well. The picture perhaps would be better at ISO 400, but shallower dof.

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Spring has started

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Apr 102014
Spring has started

Seems the spring has started. Very nice after the long mild winter is warming to see the lights of the sun, feel the sent of the flowers, see the green vegetation. I see some arriving swallows and the black redstart is arrived back to our chimney. The Great crested grebes started their mating rituals. Quite friendly birds, no problem to make photographs of them, even without a hide.
If you interested see more about grebes here

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I just sit calmly in their usual way and weight for them to arrive. I placed some nest boxes out in the garden, I will see if there will be some inhabitants in them. I try to place them the most calm uninterrupted parts of the garden. Unfortunately nowadays the Spring is short in Hungary, quickly turns to hot summer, when not so enjoyable taking photographs under the intense rays of the sun. The dawn and the dusk is remains for the nature lovers in relatively better conditions. I sit in a hide to make photographs of Bee eaters last summer it was quite hot.
Hey man what you doing with that long glass? Kestrel – Falco tinnunculus


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Canon 700d vs Sony Nex 3N

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Sep 252013

Canon 700d vs Sony Nex 3N

Canon 700d vs Sony Nex 3N

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A Dsrl against a Milc camera. The most interesting is that in picture quality department a difference is not big. Almost I can say a draw between the two cameras even in high iso settings. Ok a Canon 700d a little bit better thanks to it’s software but the sensor of the Sony Nex is better according to the Dxomark laboratory. The little Sony is a nice camera to use: small, quick autofocus action, dedicated iso button, everything works as it should. The Sony 18 55 lens is better than the often supplied 16 50 though, which is not very good.

Canon 700d vs Nex 3N
In the other hand this scientific datas are perhaps not enough information for “normal” people. According to the laboratory test the Sony Nex sensor is better by a good margin but the real world pictures at ISO 1600,3200,6400 not shows this results. In reality a Canon 700d is a hair better, even the sensor of the Sony is better, but Canon has a better software to eliminate noise. In spite of the differences in key areas in the laboratory measurements the pictures provided by the two camera is more similar than different. I would like Canon to makes better quality cameras though even in this entry segment. In comparison the Nikon D5200 which have also a Sony sensor is a way better than the Canon 700D in real world pictures as well not just sensor datas.

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 Posted by at 3:43 pm

Ruddy shelduck Vörös ásólúd Tadorna ferruginea Le tadorne casarca Die Rostgans

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Apr 202013

Ruddy shelduck Vörös ásólúd Tadorna ferruginea Le tadorne casarca Die Rostgans

The Ruddy shelduck is a very interesting bird. This bird only can be observed in Hungary in migration period. I only see this birds two times in Hungary. The migration birds mingle with Mallards in the water, and looks like they belong to there like any other birds like gulls, ducks or others. Only the interesting colors of the bird helps to realize it is an interesting specie. The size of the bird is approximately like the bigger ducks, but smaller than the usual Geese like Greylag goose. The Ruddy shelduck if not disturbed is quite a tame bird, like Mallards. I can make photos of the bird from 3-4m without disturbing the bird at all. In Hungary the ruddy shelduck is a rare migrant bird, hard to observe. I saw a pair of ruddy shelduck and a young bird. The funny thing is that the birds were in Budapest in a small lake that belongs to a frequent inner city place. The birds stayed there for several days or a week at migration. The bird has beautiful colours: the body is orangish, the head is pale the wings are whiter inside but outside has a nice greenish metal color.

9864 Ruddy shelduck Vörös ásólúd








The bird mostly eats vegetation and smaller snails or other creatures living in the water.


The Ruddy shelduck has a deep, strong, distinctive voice. It is interesting to hear doesn’t resembles anythink I can think of.


The male has a black ring around the bottom of the neck at mating period. See on the picture above.


The bird is mostly can be found in North Africa and Southern Eastern Europe and Asia. Unfortunately expanding agricultural areas are not good for the bird. The bird also can be find in highlands up to several thousand meters.


The Ruddy shelduck usually laid 8-12 eggs.

Incubation period:27-29 days

What is interesting in the bird that lay her eggs in holes under the ground, not in a nest at the water. Uses holes made by foxes, badgers or other hole making animals, but the birds can dig it for themselves as well. The nest can be several meters deep in the ground. Can nest in holes of the trees, or on cliffs as well. The male bird protect the female with huge voices and nosedive with his wings kept tightly to the body.

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Collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis

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Apr 172013
Collared flycatcher

Ficedula albicollis örvös légykapó

Collared flycatcher ficedula albicollis

Collared flycatcher ficedula albicollis

The collared flycatcher is a smaller passerine bird. It can be found in Southwest Asia and Central and Southeast Europe. The size of the bird is 12-13cm with a wingspan of 22-25cm. The weight of the bird is app. 12-16 gramms. The semicollared flycatcher is similar in many ways to the collared flycatcher in look, but the white stripe not goes around the bird’s neck. The brownish females look very similarly but little more white can be found on the wing of the collared flycatcher.

During migration sometimes can be seen in Budapest as well. The bird stays in Hungary between April and October. They send the winter in Africa.

The female is more brownish (the male is on the above picture). This is a migrating bird, in Hungary mostly breed in forests of the middle height (600-1000m) mountains.

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 Posted by at 10:25 pm
Apr 122013
Bearded tit Panurus biarmicus tit Barkóscinege
Bearded tit Panurus biarmicus

Panurus biarmicus


Also called
Britain: Bearded reedling, Finland: Viiksitimali France: Panure a moustaches Germany: Bartmeise, Hungary:Barkóscinege, Italy: Basettino, Poland: wąsatka, Russia: Усатая синица, Spain: Bigotudo, Sweden: Skäggmes

Cute little bird, not shy at all, it is easy to photograph. The female looks little different, no moustaches as it is normal:). In Hungary I mostly see in fall or in winter. I only see this bird on reeds. They eat there, moving up and down, after some time changing position and fly little further to the next reed.

The pairs live in constant relationships with each other.


Very beautiful bird, the male has two black moustaches, not really beard. The tail of the bird is long, the wings are relatively smaller compare to the length of the bird. The bird has a brown-yellow color, with black and white parts as well. The beak has orange colour. The legs are dark. The birds a bit similar in look like parrots. According to classification this bird is in a class in his own. Earlier they classify this to tits, but recently they think it is a unique bird in its class.
Panurus biarmicus female
No moustache for the female bird, same colors but little less saturated, long tail, and short wings but no mustache


Mostly in reedbed.
It is quite wide-spread in Europe, and in Asia as well from Middle East to Northeast China. In Hungary can be found in naturally better places, around National parks and nice lakes usually (Lake Ferto at Austrian border Lake Velence, Hortobágy plain lakes). Not common in densely populated places.


In Hungary doesn’t migrate as far as I know. In winter changing places but not go far.


It has a definite sound, much stronger than normal tits. It is quite easy to find a bird when you hear the sound.


It eats larvae and insects, spiders and seeds as well.

More pictures

One of the bird ringing station in Hungary they caught a male bird, and we make some closeups of the bird with greater detail. After some scientific measurements and photos the bird was released to the wild.

Bearded reedling Panurus biarmicus
Bearded reedling Panurus biarmicus 2

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 Posted by at 4:00 pm
Apr 092013
Long eared owl Asio otus Erdei fülesbagoly
Long eared owl

Long eared owl Canon 200mm 2.8L+Canon 2x Mk II

This Owl sat on the tree in a suburb area garden in 1.5-2m height. Sometimes this can happen, not very often that we can have a chance to take a nice picture without doing anything special or extraordinary for it. The Owl was a little sleepy, don’t really care about the dogs running under it in a very close distance.

I manage to wake him up to a level to open his eyes (with closed eyes the photo would be uninteresting, after he closed back again), but he remained on the tree afterwards as well. A new pet, a Long eared Owl. I called him Dezso. Cool !

I only see Dezso after once, where was a huge noise made by singing birds around the tree at the back part of the same garden, I went there to check what is this noise about, and Dezso was sitting on the walnut tree, but singing birds found him and finally made him fly away to the next tree, after the next tree, after I don’t see him. I don’t know how far the chase went.

Long eared owl asio otusClick to see in 1100 pixel Sleepy Owl

The Singing birds looked very determined and brave in the chase. There were several types of birds like Thrushes, Starlings and smaller birds as well, I think around five or more species, but the whole thing happened very fast and I cannot recognize the other species.

Long Eared Owls are the most common Owls in Hungary. In certain cities mainly in the Great Plain lots of Owls gather in winter in some cities.

Long eared owl Asio otus facts

Size: 35-40 cm (1.2-1.4′)
Wingspan 90-100 cm (3-3.34′)
Weight: 2200-4350 g (5.7-10 lbs)
Habitat: likes Open areas, widely spread Europe, Asia, Northern America
Diet: Rodents mostly Common vole (Microtus arvalis)
Family: Strigiformes

In Hungary this Owl is the most Common. In winter these Owls gathers in cities in the Great Plain sometimes in huge numbers.

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Turtle dove Vadgerle Streptopelia turtur

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Mar 302013

Turtle dove Vadgerle Streptopelia turtur

Turtle dove

Turtle dove

The Turtle dove is not so common as the Collared dove, but can be found in Hungary in some places. The size of the bird is 27cm and the weight is 150 gramm. The area around the eye is red. Much more shy than the collared dove.

Usually lay 2 eggs in the nest.

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 Posted by at 2:51 pm