Nikon d3200 specs


Nikon d3200 specs

Nikon d3200 specs

Nikon d3200 specs

Nikon d3200 main parameters

Photo parameters

Resolution:24.2 Megapixel
Picture size:6016×4000 Pixel, other sizes see below
ISO range:100-12800 (12800 in H1)
Dynamic range:13,2 EV
Colour depth:24,1 bits
Focus points/crosstype:11/1
Built in flash: yes
Live view:yes
3D: No
High iso (Dxo):1131
Focus motor: No
Continuous shooting: 4 fps

Physical parameters

Sensor format:Aps-C
Sensor size:23,2*15,4mm
Camera Size:125 x 96 x 76.5 mm
LCD:921k dots
Viewfinder size/coverage:0,50/95%
Touch screen:No
Flipout: No
Battery life:540 shots
Storage slots: 1 Sd, Sdhc, Sdxc

Video parameters

Video autofocus: there is an autofocus, but not really good, Panasonic, or Canon are better for video, even Canon 70d not the best
Video format:1920/1080 frame rate: 30,25,24
File format: Mov

Nikon d3200 other parameters

Picture formats:6016*4000, 4512*3000, 3008*2000
Sensor cleaning:yes
File fomat NEF 12 bit compressed
Jpeg Fine (compression 1:4), normal(1:8), basic(1:16)
Self timer 2,5,10,20 s 1-9 exposures
Metering 2016 pixel RGB sensor
Exposure metering +-5 EV in P,S,A,M modes
File size: NEF+jpg app. 31.9 MB, NEF 20MB, JPG 11.9MB 7.4MB 3.8MB(fine, normal, basic)

Equipment reviews

Equipment reviews

See the reviews in the sub-menus at the right
sidebar, not everything included in the links

Canon camera comparisons

Canon Full Frame comparison table
Canon Aps-C camera comparison table

Canon camera specifications

Canon 7d detailed specification
Canon 70d detailed specification
Canon 60d detailed specification
Canon 40d detailed specification

Canon Aps-C reviews

Samyang 8mm f3.5 review
Samyang 14mm f2.8 review
Sigma 35 f1.4 review
Canon 35mm f2 review
Canon 40mm f2.8 STM review
Canon 50mm f1.4 review
Canon 50mm f1.8 II review
Canon 135mm f2 review
Canon 200mm f2.8 review
Canon 300mm f4 is review
Canon 400mm f5.6 review


Sigma 10 20mm review
Tokina 11 16mm review
Canon 15 85 review
Canon 15 85 vs Canon 24 105
Sigma 18-35 f1.8 review
Canon 24 70 f2.8 L review
Canon 24 105 review
Canon 70 200 f4 review
Canon 70 200 f2.8 review
Soligor 100 400/4.5-6.3 review


Kenko 1.4 dgx review
Kenko Pro300 1.4 dgx review
Canon 2x MkII review
Soligor 2x converter review
Kenko 3x converter review

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 Posted by at 7:41 pm