
Aug 122015
Canon ME20F-SH
Canon ME20F-SH 1 Canon ME20F-SH 2

New Canon camera comes with an ISO 4,000,000 sensitivity, meaning can make pictures in night sky without a flash unit. Other possible usage of this camera is night documentaries, wildlife videos at night and such things. A usual Full frame camera has a native sensitivity of 25,600, how is it compare to the new Canon ME20F-SH ? Each doubling means double amount of light. 25,600 – 51,200 (1 stops) – 102,400 (2 stops) – 204,800 (3 stops) – 408,900 (4 stops) – 817,800 (5 stops) – 1,635,600 (6 stops) – 3,271,200 (7 stops) totally seems around 7.2 stops.

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The camera can record HD video. This extreme capability comes with a price which is in this case is 30,000 USD. Why not put this sensor in a Milc camera for 400 USD ? 🙂

The camera has a Full frame 35mm sensor with bigger pixels than the usual cameras sold today. The boxy design won’t make Italian designers envy I guess. At the back of the camera lots of ports can be found.

The camera has an EF lens mounts which makes it quite versatile, any EF lens can be attached from wide angle to extreme telephoto.

The minimum illumination is the camera needed only 0.0005 lux. At Full moon the illumination is 0.25-1 lux.

The pixel pitch is 19 mikrons. This means the camera has around 2.3 Megapixel resolution.

The camera will be available from December 2015.

Canon ME20F-SH specification
Product name ME20F-SH Multi-purpose Camera
Image sensor 35mm full-frame CMOS sensor (single), effective pixel count: approx. 2.26 million pixels
Weight Approx. 2.4 lbs (1.1 kg) (body only)
Body dimensions Approx. 4 inches (102mm) (w) x 4.5 inches (116mm) (h) x 4.4 inches (113mm) (d) (excluding protrusions)
Minimum subject illumination Less than 0.0005 lux (at maximum 75 dB gain setting, equivalent to an ISO sensitivity of over four million)
Pixel Pitch 19 Microns
Lens mount Canon EF mount (Cinema Lock type)
Optical filters ND filter with two density levels (motorized manual / auto)
IR cut filter (motorized manual)
Frame rates 59.94P / 59.94i / 50.00P / 50.00i / 29.97P / 25.00P / 23.98P
Gamma Canon Log, Wide DR, etc.
Video output terminals 3G / HD-SDI BNC jack (output only) Terminal count: 2

1080P / 1080i / 720P
HDMI HDMI connector (output only)
Genlock terminal BNC jack (input only)
Remote terminal φ2.5mm stereo mini-mini-jack (Canon-proprietary protocol)

Round 8-pin jack (for RS-422, Canon-proprietary protocol)
Microphone terminal φ3.5mm stereo mini-jack
AF One-shot AF
Auto-exposure Combined interlocking (iris / gain / ND / shutter)
White balance AWB, color-temperature setting (setting range: 2000 to 15000 degrees Kelvin), natural light, light bulb, Setting A, Setting B
Digital teleconverter 2x, 4x
Power input 4-pin XLR DC11-17V

Terminal block 2-pin jack DC11-17V
Operating temperature 32 degrees F (0 degrees C) to 104 degrees F (40 degrees C)
 Posted by at 3:33 pm
Aug 112015
Downgraded Aps-C cameras ?

Downgraded Aps-C cameras ?

It can sound a little bit negative topic but I thought about it a lot. I don’t want to go in the negative zone too much.

The starting point for this Aps-C FF argument was I feel Canon Aps-C cameras much more downgraded in image departments, than the Nikon counterparts, even at lower isos. (Lots of noise, not so nice colors, etc). For a birder/wildlife photographer a higher end Aps-C would be preferable, Nikon also seems stopped the D300 line to guide folks towards Full frame. I don’t really need Full frame and especially not want to pay a price of a car for a proper wide angle, apart from a super expensive telephoto. It was interesting to read the rave reviews of the new Canon 7d II, which according to my perception still a long way to go to reach the picture quality of the Nikon d7000, but has a professional quick autofocus system.

Recently Canon released the new Canon 5ds and 5ds R cameras, with 50.6 megapixel resolution (I guess the idea of such cameras comes from the marketing department). When I first thought about the new camera I was interested about this huge resolution. To understand the matter a little bit better, I divided the 50.6 by 1.6 (crop factor) and after again by 1.6. The end result is around 20. This megapixel count would be this 50.6 megapixel FF sensor on an Aps-C format (the area is two dimensional this is why need to divide twice).

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So in reality the Canon 5ds or 5d R has an up-sized Canon 7d II sensor. So it is more obvious that why the restricted ISO range of the camera. The Canon 5ds and 5ds R has an ISO range of 100-6400, while the Canon 5d3 (or the other Full frame models like the Canon 6d or the Canon 1 DX) has an iso range of 100-25,600.

“Noisy little pixels”

this is what I expected, but I thought resolution can be better at lower isos. The Canon 5ds is a kind of studio / poster camera, but can be used in wildlife as well.

But the story doesn’t ends there. Dxo measured both cameras, and the results can be checked below:

Camera Canon 5ds Canon 5ds R Canon 7d II
High ISO: 2381 2308 1082
Color depth: 24.7 24.6 22.4 bits
Dynamic range: 12.4 Ev 12.4 Ev 11.8 EV

The two camera with the same pixel size behaves completely differently. The Full frame myth (bigger pixels, better quality) has nothing to do with reality. The Canon 5ds has more than one stop advantage in high isos over the Canon 7d II, although they share the same pixel size (the 5ds pixels a tiny bit bigger). In fact the new Canon 5ds almost equals the Full frame 6d in this regard according to DXo measurement. The two camera has been released almost at the same time.

But don’t focus only on Canon let’s check Nikon as well. Nikon released the D800/D800e/D810 cameras. The 36 megapixel is essentially the same regarding pixel pitch to a 16 megapixel Aps-C or Dx sensor. So how the Nikon d7000 fares against the Nikon d800? We see the same things. The better quality has nothing to do with a pixel size.

Nikon D800
Nikon D7000
High ISO: 2853 1167
Color depth: 25.3 23.6
Dynamic range: 14.4 13.9

The Nikon d800 simply works as a usual Full frame camera, regarding DXO results, much better than the Nikon d7000 with a same pixel count.

There is an argument about the size of the sensor as well with the same pixel density. For example a 8Mp Aps-C camera has the same sized pixels as a 20 Megapixel FF camera (For example Canon 30d and the Canon 5d Mk II). Here between these two Canon models the difference is huge.

But for example the excellent Canon 5d is almost catched by a 24 Megapixel Nikon DX camera in high iso department. At the other two areas bettered according to measurement. The story otherwise is much more complicated than these numbers, what is really count how the end results looks. At resolution the Nikon wins hand down I think, but in look, many prefer the “Canon look” over the “Nikon look”. To add a little bit more info, the Nikon desaturate higher isos, and the real iso of the old Canon is much higher at higher sensitivities. The Nikon has better software for noise reduction.

Nikon D7200
Canon 5d
High ISO: 1333 1368
Color depth: 24.5 22.9
Dynamic range: 14.6 11.1

What do you think ?

 Posted by at 4:00 pm
Jul 292015
Nikon 600mm f4 fl ed vr

Nikon 600mm f4e fl ed vr

Nikon announced the new Nikon 600mm f4E fl ed vr super telephoto lens. The new lens has 2 fluorite and 4 Ed elements in the lens construction.

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Earlier Nikon didn’t want to use fluorite elements, but changed this opinion several years ago, and made the Nikon 800mm f/5.6 fl ed vr and the Nikon 400mm f/2.8 fl ed vr lenses. Canon constantly using fluorite elements in their mostly super expensive telephoto lenses for decades. Fluorite (CaF2) is lighter than normal glass and has better optical qualities, but it has some downsides as well according to Nikon:

Nikon’s Extra-low Dispersion (ED) and Super ED glass help correct chromatic aberrations, or optical color defects, caused when different light wavelengths do not converge at the same point after passing through optical glass. Calcium fluorite crystals were once used to correct this problem in telephoto lenses, but the substance cracked easily and was sensitive to temperature changes. So Nikon created ED glass, which offers all the benefits, but none of the drawbacks of calcium fluorite-based glass. ED glass is now an essential element in NIKKOR’s telephoto lenses, helping deliver stunning sharpness and contrast, even at maximum aperture.

Canon also refers to this vulnerability to temperature changes, they say this is why these lenses has light beige color. The Nikon lens is black so I guess it is not a serious problem in this case.

The lens also has fluorine Nano christal and Sic (Super Integrated) coatings as well to reduce flare and chromatic aberrations.

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Compare to the predecessor, the new Nikon 600mm is significantly lighter (3.81 vs 5.06kg / 8.4 vs 11.16 lbs), has better sharpness and autofocus, and has two fluorite elements, which the older lens lacks. Fluorite is lighter than normal glass and better optically as well.

The weight improvement is huge and certainly makes the new lens much more hand-holdable. The earlier version is only hand-holdable for weight-lifters for an extended period. The new version is not very light as well, but hand-holdable for longer periods. Both lens is more ideal for tripod usage though. The long reach helps a lot framing with distant objects such birds or wildlife.

nikon 600mm fl ed vr

Nikon 600mm f4E fl ed vr specification

Below you can find the specification of the new lens compared to the Canon 600mm f/4 is II L lens. It is interesting that the lens construction is similar for both lenses 16 elements in 12 groups. Both lens has more fluorite elements for better imaginery.

Nikon 600mm f4 fl ed vr
Nikon 600mm f/4 vr (older)
Canon 600mm f/4 is II
Nikon F mount Nikon F mount Canon EF mount
Filter size:
40.5 mm drop in 52 mm drop in 52mm drop in
Lens elements / groups:
16 / 12 15 / 12 16 /12
Exotic Lens elements:
2 Fluorite and 4 ED elements 3 Ed elements Fluorite elements
3.81 kg (8.4 lbs. ) 5.06 kg (11.16 lbs. ) 3.92 kg (8.67 lbs.)
16.6 x 43.2 cm (6.54 x 17.01 ” ) 16.51 x 44.45 cm (6.5 x 17.5 ” ) 16.8 x 44.70 cm (6.6 x 17.6 ” )
Close focus distance:
4.39 m (14.4 ‘) 4.79 m (15.7′) 3.92 m (8.67′)
yes ring-type ultrasonic yes ring-type ultrasonic yes ring-type ultrasonic
yes 4 stops yes 2.5 stops yes stops
Front element rotates:
No No No
Moving barrel elements during focusing:
No No No
Focus preset modes:
Yes Yes Yes
autofocus manual focus, focus limiter 10m, vr modes (on-off-sport), focus mode selector, memory recall, sound on-off Mf-af, vr on-off, focus limiter, focus lock, af memory recall Stab 1-2-3 settings, mf-af, focus preset modes, focus mode switch, focus limiter, focus mode selector
Lens Mount material:
Metal Metal Metal
Full frame Full frame Full frame
0.17x 0.17x 0.15x
Reproduction ratio:
1 : 7 1:7 1 : 7
Aperture blades:
9 rounded diaphragm blades 9 rounded diaphragm blades 9 rounded diaphragm blades
Distance scale:
yes yes yes
Focal length:
600 mm 600 mm 600 mm
Max Aperture:
f/4 f/4 f/4
Min Aperture:
f/22 f/22 f/22
Angle of view:
4° 10′ on Full frame, 2° 40′ on Aps-C 4° 10′ on Full frame, 2° 40′ on Aps-C 4° 10′ on Full frame, 2° 40′ on Aps-C
FTM (Manual focus override):
yes yes yes
Focus limiter:
yes yes yes
Tripod mount ring:
yes yes yes
Lens hood:
yes yes yes
yes yes yes
Sealing against dust / moisture:
yes yes yes
Tilt / shift:
No No No
12,300 USD 9547 USD 11,500 USD

Nikon 600mm f4 fl ed vr price

The initial price of the lens is 12,300 USD. (In the EU much more).

Nikon 600mm f4 fl ed vr availability

The lens will be available in July 2015 according to recent information.

Jul 272015
Cokin Nuances ND filters

Cokin Nuances

ND filters

ND filters are widely used in creative landscape photography, mainly for moving water shots (waterfalls long exposure shots including water), or for other creative effects. ND filters (neutral density filters, or simple gray filters) are blocking light quantity allowing longer shutter speed. Also used in super bright telephoto lenses (f/2.8 or even brighter) in daylight to allow shallow depth of field while allowing lower shutter speeds.

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Cokin Nuances

Cokin announced a new filter family called nuances. The filters are available between 1 (ND2) and 10 stops of strength (ND 1024). The filters can be stacked without any color casts according to the manufacturer. The filters are block infared light. The filter system includes a filter holder, a filter, and an adapter ring. It is not for granted that this new filters are compatible with all existing filter holders, better check before buy. The filters made from Schott glass B270, which is known from it’s excellent characteristics, with Cokin’s new metallic alloy nano coating. The filters will be priced in the 94-250 USD range.


Jul 252015
Kowa telephoto lens 500mm f5.6

Kowa telephoto lens spottings scope

Kowa is a huge optical company mainly known for spotting scopes among birders. The company is among the best in the field together with Swarowsky or Nikon among others. The company based in Japan, was founded in 1894. This is not a small garage tuning company, the company has 2000 employees. This new telephoto lens / spotting scope is an interesting option. To the main body of the lens which is a prime lens, there are three different adapters allowing to use the lens in three different focal lengths with different brightness:

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350mm f/4

This is the brightest combination with the shortest adapter. Kowa T07

500mm f/5.6

According to my opinion this combination by far the most interesting, 500mm focal length with a relatively bright f/5.6 aperture. The adapter is longer. Kowa Tx10

850mm f/8.9

It is the longest combination for small birds, the adapter is the longest, but brightness is reduced, it is only good for bright sunlight. Kowa Tx17

Prism unit for scopes

Kowa TP-88EC1 Prism Unit

Manual focusing only

This lens is a manual focusing only, this is a huge drawback according to my opinion, but the main thing is the price and optical quality here. The price of the lens/scope is 2900 USD, the adapters cost 340 USD each for 500mm (the Pentax is 325 USD), 510 USD for 350mm. I’d probably go with the 500mm f5.6 and forget the two other. (For birding, the 350 f/4 is little short, but perhaps also interesting if it sharp, the 850mm is a little dark, especially for viewfinder image)

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Lens parameters

The weight of the lens is app. 2kg (4 pounds) and has a filter diameter of 95mm. This weight is handholdable, although I don’t know the adapter is included or not in the weight. What is unique is the fluorite optics which only present in the highest quality products. The lens has 9 aperture blades and can be stopped down to f/11. This is not so common, for macro f/16 or f/22 preferred, but this is not the macro lens, the lens minimum focusing distance is 3m (10′). This is usual for such a lens. The lens is significantly more expensive than the Tamron 150-600 or the Sigma 150-600mm lenses (the difference is not so huge compare to the Sports version of the Sigma). The question how is it compare to the image quality. The autofocus and the stabilizer is a big plus for the other two lenses. The lens has 7 elements in 7 groups.

The 2900 USD perhaps first seems very high and it is, but this optics uses fluorite elements. We cannot checked it yet, and in Hungary to chance such a thing is quite little in the near future. On dpreview there is an opinion it is quite good, comparable to Canon L primes, which costs significantly more.

Available mounts

Canon Nikon Pentax Micro 4/3 and Sony alpha as well. Seems can be used on many systems. It is perhaps very interesting on a Micro 4/3 giving a huge focal length (500mm will be 625 equivalent).

500mm f/5.6

It is interesting why Canon nor Nikon doesn’t have 500mm f/5.6 lenses. Both wants to sell the super expensive f/4 versions instead. Would be nice to have a cheaper version though. Pentax has a 560mm f/5.6 for 5000 USD.

sample images and opinion on dpreview From the sample images the lens looks quite sharp according to my judgement.

The lens can be used as a spotting scope as well with an adapter

The price if I am guessing right on par with the Sigma 300mm f/2.8 lens. The Sigma lens has autofocus, bright f/2.8 aperture. The real question how is it compared at 500 or 600mm in case of the Sigma. At 420mm the Sigma is quite good I am sure. As I see if the Kowa has very good image quality, there is a market for the lens. The 500mm f/5.6 looks a desirable combination, as well the 850mm is quite unique. Such lenses are incredibly expensive in the Canon or Nikon lineup, even for Pentax.

In the box

-Removable tripod adapter
-Front and back lens cap

BH order link for the lens

500mm f/5.6 FL Telephoto Lens/Scope
As I understand the lens is the same for all mounts, just the adapters are different.

Separetely purchased elements

For the lens at least one adapter is needed, which costs 340 USD.
Kowa 500mm f56 2

Official Kowa website

Official Kowa website and video



Kowa 500mm f/5.6 Fl

Canon Nikon Pentax Micro 4/3
Filter size:
95 mm front
Lens elements / groups:
7 / 7
Exotic Lens elements:
1.97 kg (4.34 lbs. )
Appr. 4.0 x 13.4″ (10.16 x 34.04 cm)
Close focus distance:
3 m (9.84′)
No / manual focus only
Front element rotates:
Moving barrel elements during focusing:
Focus preset modes:
Lens Mount:
Full frame
Reproduction ratio:
Aperture blades:
9 diaphragm blades
Distance scale:
Yes in m and feet
Manual focus override:
Focal length:
350, 500, 850 mm
Max Aperture:
f/4, f/5.6, f/8.9 respectively by focal length
Min Aperture:
Angle of view:
FTM (Manual focus override):
Focus limiter:
Tripod mount ring:
Lens hood:
Tilt / shift:

Jul 092015
Nikon 500mm f4 fl ed vr

Nikon 500mm f4 Fl ed vr

Nikon announced the new Nikon 500mm f4 fl ed vr super telephoto lens. The new lens has 2 fluorite and 3 Ed elements in the lens construction. Earlier Nikon didn’t want to use fluorite elements, but changed this opinion several years ago, and made the Nikon 800mm f/5.6 fl ed vr and the Nikon 400mm f/2.8 fl ed vr lenses. Canon constantly using fluorite elements in their mostly super expensive telephoto lenses for decades.

The lens also has fluorine Nano christal and Sic (Super Integrated) coatings as well to reduce flare and cromatic aberrations.

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Compare to the predecessor, the new Nikon 500mm is lighter (3.09 vs 3.87kg), has better sharpness and autofocus, and has three fluorite elements, which the older lens lacks. Fluorite is lighter than normal glass and better optically as well.

Nikon 500mm f4 fl ed vr specification

Below you can find the specification of the new lens compared to the Canon 500mm f/4 is II lens. It is interesting that the lens construction is similar for both lenses 16 elements in 12 groups. Both lens has more fluorite elements for better imaginery.

Nikon 500mm f4 fl ed vr
Nikon 500mm f/4 vr (older)
Canon 500mm f/4 is
Nikon F mount Nikon F mount Canon EF mount
Filter size:
40.5 mm drop in 52 mm drop in 52mm drop in
Lens elements / groups:
16 / 12 14 / 11 16 /12
Exotic Lens elements:
3 fluorite and 2 Ed elements 3 Ed elements 2 Fluorite elements
3.09 kg (6.81 lbs. ) 3.87 kg (8.54 lbs. ) 3.19 kg (7.03 lbs.)
146 x 383 mm (5.51 x 15.24 ” ) 139.7 x 391.2 mm (5.5 x 15.4 ” ) 140 x 387 mm (5.75 x 15.08 ” )
Close focus distance:
3.63 m (11.9 ‘) 3.85 m (12.63′) 3.7 m (‘12.14)
yes ring-type ultrasonic yes ring-type ultrasonic yes ring-type ultrasonic
yes 4 stops yes 3 stops yes 4 stops
Front element rotates:
No No No
Moving barrel elements during focusing:
No No No
Focus preset modes:
Yes Yes Yes
Vr on-off-sport, memory recall, mf-af, focus limiter 8m, sound on-off Mf-af, vr on-off, focus limiter, focus lock, af memory Stab 1-2-3 settings, mf-af, focus preset modes, focus mode switch, focus limiter, focus mode selector
Lens Mount material:
Metal Metal Metal
Full frame Full frame Full frame
0.14x 0.14x 0.15x
Reproduction ratio:
1:7 1:7 1:7
Aperture blades:
9 rounded diaphragm blades 9 rounded diaphragm blades 9 rounded diaphragm blades
Distance scale:
yes yes yes
Focal length:
500 mm 500 mm 500 mm
Max Aperture:
f/4 f/4 f/4
Min Aperture:
f/22 f/22 f/22
Angle of view:
5° on Full frame 5° on Full frame 5° on Full frame
FTM (Manual focus override):
yes yes yes
Focus limiter:
yes yes yes
Tripod mount ring:
yes yes yes
Lens hood:
yes yes yes
yes yes yes
Sealing against dust / moisture:
yes yes yes
Tilt / shift:
No No No
10,300 USD 9000 USD 8300 USD

Nikon 500mm f4 fl ed vr price

The initial price of the lens is 10,300 USD. (In the EU much more).

Nikon 500mm f4 fl ed vr availability

The lens will be available in July 2015 according to recent information.

Jul 082015
Nikon 16-80mm f/2.8-4E ED VR

Nikon 16-80mm

A new general purpose DX lens is coming from Nikon as we predicted before. The 80mm long (telephoto) end of the lens has an f/4 aperture, not f/3.5 as was rumored before. The f/3.5 would be better of course, but the f/4 is also 1 stops better than the earlier version, which has a f/5.6 brightness.

The new lens has electronically controlled aperture, which said to be more precise.
The lens has a 37 cm (1.21′) close focus distance in the whole focal length range. This is similar to the earlier model, the difference is only 1 cm. The filter size is 72mm for the new lens. The new lens has nanon christal coat as well, mostly used on expensive lenses by Nikon.

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The lens has 4(!) Ed elements which seems many for a lens, but very useful creating high image quality, Canon many times not even put 1 Ed elements in many lenses.

The price of the new lens is 1070 USD.

Nikon 16-80mm f/2.8-4E ED VR specifications

We show the datas of the earlier version as well for easy comparison.

Nikon 16-80mm f/2.8-4E ED VR
Nikon 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6 ED VR (earlier version)
Nikon F mount Nikon F mount
Filter size:
72 mm 67 mm
Lens elements / groups:
17 elements / 13 groups 17 elements / 11 groups
Exotic Lens elements:
4 ED and 3 aspherical elements 2 Ed and 3 aspherial elements
480 g ( 1.06 lbs. ) 485g (17.1 oz.)
80 x 86 mm (3.15 x 3.37 ” ) 72 x 85 mm ( 2.83 x 3.35 ” )
Close focus distance:
0.37 m ( ‘) 0.38 m ( ‘)
yes Ultrasonic yes Ultrasonic
yes 4 stops yes 4 stops
Front element rotates:
No No
Moving barrel elements during focusing:
No No
Focus preset modes:
No No
Af-Mf, Stabilizer on-off Af-Mf, Stabilizer on-off, Stabilizer normal-active
Lens Mount:
Metal Metal
Reproduction ratio:
0.22x 0.22x
Aperture blades:
7 rounded diaphragm blades 7 rounded diaphragm blades
Distance scale:
yes yes
Manual focus override:
yes yes
Focal length:
16-80 mm 16-85mm
Max Aperture:
f/2.8 (wide end)-f/4(long end) f/3.5(wide end) – 5.6(telephoto)
Min Aperture:
f/22-f/32 f/22-f/36
Angle of view:
83-20° (DX) 83-18° 50′
FTM (Manual focus override):
yes yes
Focus limiter:
No No
Tripod mount ring:
No No
Lens hood:
yes yes
yes yes
Tilt / shift:
No No

The price seems little high now without knowing the lens capabilities. I personally would like the lens to be f/3.5 at the long end to create more artistic blur and has more usability in lower light circumstances. The price will be lower in short term I think, as usual half a year a something like that.

Nikon 16-80mm release date

The new lens predicted to be on the selves of the stores by July 2015.

Jun 252015
Bird in flight photography tutorial (BIF)

bird in flight photography tutorial
The above picture was made with a 280mm Canon lens (Canon 200mm f/2.8 + Kenko 1.4 dgx). This is why the image is heavily cropped. The used high sensitivity also not helps in picture quality. The grain/noise is quite apparent. The colors / sharpness not bad I think. This picture shows that bird photography is the most demanding regarding equipment.

Highest quality long lenses, noiseless expensive Dslr cameras gives the best results.

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1. Find a bird, and think a little bit about it

What kind of bird do you want to photograph ? Big bird or small bird ? Waterbird, singing bird, birds of prey ? Common bird or a rarity? Dark or a white bird ? Fast flying or slow bird ? Thinking is needed how to achieve your goal. A distant picture of the flying bird is not so impressive. Need to think about it how to get close enough, to get the desired shot. For this knowing the birds behavior is essential, to know what to expect in different situations, when the bird leave, arrive, fight, eat, etc.

If I assume here 80% is to get the bird, 20% to make the shot.

Difficulties / challenges: 1. find the bird, 2. go close or let the bird come close 3. make the shot

bird in flight photography tutorial 2

In my mind the thinking goes like this:

1. Find a good place for flying bird photography. Places with water, trees, free areas combined is the best. Bushes, trees can be used as hides.

2. Who arrive first ? Funny little arguments:
a. the bird arrives first, after you, the bird fly away.
b. you arrive first you know the bird will come, wait, make the shot when the bird arrives, after the bird fly away, unless you stay in a hide.

Some tips to get close

-Think about a tower or a house with more levels in a naturally interesting area. It can give good opportunities to get closer to the flying birds.

-Boat, birds not so fear of boats as people, a boat can give very good opportunities, especially if combined with a hide

-At the shore of a lake a hiding blanket is an interesting solution. At the corners some fixing to the ground is preferred. Must lay under though.

bird in flight photography tutorial 3

Shutter speed

If I want tack sharp shot at least 1/1000s handheld. It depends on light conditions, lens brightness, and bird distance as well. If the bird is far away, or moves fast higher shutter speed is needed 1/2000s or even higher. If you want to see some artistic movement like the above photo 1/400s is a good start. The above photo was made with 560mm lens, at 1/400s. Some movement is visible.

3. Hides

Cannot neglect the hides, most bird photographers uses hides all the time. If I only concentrate the output (the image) hides win by a big margin over normal photography. It can be a natural hide, a tent, built hide or just a blanket or military net.

Usual hide types: bird feeder, drinking/bathing place, winter eagle feeder, hide next to the water or hiding boat. Most winning pictures at photo competitions made from hides. I don’t have a place for a hide, I sometimes use mobile sitting hide with/without a glass, mostly use natural hides, like trees/bushes.

-Mobile hide, I made one from chipboard. I made it from 4 separate elements, the top and the back which is absolutely necessary covered by a blanket (on the top there is a chipboard as well). The height is defined how tall are you when you sitting. The width is defined by the car internal dimensions. Mine is something like 1.1×1.1×1.45m. The round holes are the smallest in diameter.
Using this absolutely need to know what you want to photograph. You can sit in a forest for ages actually see any birds, and bigger animals can scare you as well from close distances.

The hide has a version with a glass and without glass. The glass is a Stopsol clear type half mirror insulating glass which gets 1-2 stops of shutter speed. Only one direction is good, it can be checked with a torch or light how reflecting or better to make a shot through it. I prefer to use without glass, for better image quality and faster shutter speed. The glass is useful if you have a really good place, with birds in close distances which you want to protect.

If you have a good long lens, the car, if you have it can be a good hide as well in certain cases.

4. Usual flying direction of birds. If you know the place you can identify the usual routes of the birds. Waterbirds for example flying between two lakes. Tits and grebes often going parallel with the river, birds of prey can circle up the sky

2. Equipment

bird in flight photography tutorial 6
I have a Dslr camera and a decent lens. The optical finder of the Dslr cameras are the best for this task. You see clearly, without delay, blinking, too bright or too dark image in the viewfinder. The lens is much more important than the camera. A very good fast autofocus is very useful for this, but you can manage the shot with manual focus as well if you like. In some cases I prefer manual focusing.


Most people use Canon or Nikon equipment. The best cheapest lens which produce truly excellent images is the Canon 400mm f/5.6 and the Tamron 150-600mm. The Sigma 150-600mm is similar. For Nikon the Nikon 300mm f/4 is also very good. None of these lenses cheap, but this how it is. The Nikon cameras are better than Canon cameras (less noise, better colors, except red, more dynamic range) according to my judgment. Sony has a 70-400mm as well. Pentax recently will release a Pentax 150-450mm lens.

Prime or zoom lens ? Prime lenses are usually better optically and usually brighter as well, but many of them extremely expensive. The good focal length is 400mm on a crop camera for bird photography, like the Canon 70d or Nikon d7100. With the focal length of 600mm it is very hard to work for bird in flight shots, the sharp area is very small and the view also very narrow. The trick below can help to some extent. On the other hand the focal length is very convenient from longer distances for non moving birds.

3. Overexpose

bird in flight photography tutorial 4
If you want to photograph a dark bird against the bright sky what happens ? The bird will be black without not many detail. If you want to make silhuette shots it is good, but otherwise must overexpose the shot to get some detail of the bird. I mostly use evaluative / matrix metering. The other options are the spot metering, and the center-weighted. For this kind of photography the spot metering would be the best (little subject in the center or somewhere in the frame) in theory, but:
It is the easiest to make an unusable shot in spot metering, so I would advise not to use at all it for fast action shots. Why ? With spot meter must focus on a 18% grey object to have a proper exposure, if the bird is dark, no way to make it (the sky is bright, the bird is dark). If you have a grey bird or a bird sitting on a branch for minutes perhaps you can try to find a grey something to meter on.

Center weighted metering

I do not really experiment with center-weighted metering don’t know what it does, how is it calculated (like spot but calculates for a bigger central area, meant for portraits). If you familiar with it, and it is predictable for you in different situations what it does also can work same way as the matrix method with compensation.

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Matrix/evaluative metering

Matrix/evaluative metering depending on the manufacturer, are designed to work in all conditions reliably. Most photographers use only this metering exclusively. I also use matrix/evaluative mostly which gives the best results usually all the time, but needs exposure compensation in certain cases. It can be learned only by experimenting it, how much you need to adjust, you can try to overexpose +1 stops for a dark bird against the sky for start, after you can decide it needed more or less compensation.

4. Burst mode

I mostly don’t like burst mode, but for fast action, which I don’t see with my eyes I seldom use it. Most cameras make 5-6 shots/sec, hundred would be preferred.

5. Autofocus settings

The center af point is the most reliable on most Dslr cameras, and the lens is also the sharpest at the center. So I mostly use the center af point. This also helps that a fast moving bird is stays in the frame.

6. Pro Tip: Dof button

Some cameras has a Dof button, usually down in front of the camera, next to the lens.
If you use a long prime lens, you can have trouble even to see the bird through the lens. First must prefocus at a distance you think appropriate (usually 10-15m), and secondly you can use the Dof button. How it works, and why ? Smaller apertures gives you more depth of field meaning you see wider range through your lens. For example you have an 400mm f/5.6 lens, or something similar. You can set the aperture to f/8-f/11 to have some extra dof after focusing you can turn the aperture back where you wanted to be if needed. Too small apertures are not practical because, the viewfinder image will be too dark, unless there are many light available. With smaller aperture you will see even more range through your lens, which is preferable. You can check before the actual photography how much dof you gain.

7. Avoid quick movement and flashy clothes (white yellow big contrast)

Train yourself to always move slowly and quietly. This gives you lot better pictures. Try to hide your eyes behind the camera. (This scares birds the most). Use camo or clothes with colors fit to the surrounding.

8. Leaving / arriving birds

bird in flight photography tutorial 5
The easiest to photograph leaving or arriving birds. There are signs which shows the bird is about to leave. If you study bird behavior you can easily recognize this and can make a photo.

9. Practice patience

Some time is needed to make decent shots. Don’t be discouraged if doesn’t make the best shot first, experiment and practice. Patience is also neeed to wait for the best moments, this is what I like the most never know what happens next, an interesting bird or other animal.

Fatbirders Top 1000 Birding Websites

Jun 222015
Canon G3X release date specs price

Canon G3 x release date
The new Canon G3X has a 1″ sensor and a 24-600mm equivalent lens. Why is it interesting ? Because there are bridge cameras on the market with much wider zoom range, the record holder compact cameras has a 87x zoom range with a 2000mm long telephoto lens. The difference is the sensor. The new Canon G3X has a 1″ sensor which is similar to the sensor of the Nikon Cx cameras. Compare to the usual compact cameras which have a 1/2.3″ sensor, this sensor is much bigger, the difference in area is 4x (the 1″ sensor is 4 times bigger).
Canon G3 X II

The usual compact cameras weak point is the sensor, because for the long lenses usually high iso settings is needed, which in a small sensors lead to noisy images. In this regard (at least on paper) the bigger sensor is much better. The 600mm is quite a useful range, wondering even for the range of bird or wildlife photography.

The camera has a built in 3 stop ND filter.

The specifications generally quite high for a compact camera. The camera has a Dslr like controls and menus.

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Photo parameters

Release date: 2015 June
Megapixel count: 20.2 Megapixel
Resolution: 5472 x 3648 Megapixel
ISO range: 125-12 800
Shutter speed: 1/2000-30s
Dynamic range: No info yet
Colour depth: No info yet
Dxo high iso score: No info yet
Focus points/crosstype points: Contrast detect AF points 31 af points, touch af
Auto focus assist light: yes
Possibility of Manual focusing: yes
Built in flash: yes
Flash external connection: yes with hot shoe
Flash exposure compensation: +-2 Ev in 1/3 increments
Lens focus motor: yes
Lens brightness: f/2.8 – f/5.6 at the 24mm end the brightness is f/2.8 which is very good, at the telephoto end is f/5.6.
Lens mount: the camera has a fixed 24-600mm equivalent lens
Diffraction limit: No info
Continuous shooting: 5.9 fps
Image processor: Digic 6

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Live view: yes
Video: yes
HDR: yes
Panorama: No
3D: No
Built in Wifi: yes
NFC: yes
GPS (usually just geotagging): No
Dust removal system: No

Physical parameters

Sensor format: 1″
Crop factor: 2.7
Sensor size: 13.2 * 8.8 mm
Weight: 733g (25.9 oz.)
Camera Size: 123 x 77 x 105 mm, 4.9 x 3 x 4.1″
LCD: 1620k dots (540k pixel)
Tilting LCD screen: yes
Touch screen: yes
Viewfinder size/coverage: No viewfinder, separately can be purchased for extra money DC 1
Storage slots: 1/sd,sdhc,sdxc card
Battery: 1x NB – 10 L rechargable lithim ion battery

Camera modes

Program mode: yes
Aperture priority mode: yes
Shutter priority mode: yes
Full manual mode: yes

Video / Movie parameters

Video autofocus: yes
Video resolutions: HD (1920×1080/60, 30, 24 fps )
Video format: MP4 (Image: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264; Audio: MPEG-4 AAC-LC (Stereo))
External mic jack: yes
Headphone jack :yes

Canon G3 X other parameters

3 stop built in ND filter
USB 2.0
+-3EV exposure compensation it is quite good for such a camera
Dust and water resistant magnesium alloy body
Self timer 2, 10s

Canon G3X standard accessories

Camera body, battery, battery charger, lens cap

Canon G3X price

The price of the G3x is 1000 USD. Not a small price for a bridge camera.

Jun 182015
Sigma 24-35mm f2 Art

Sigma 24-35mm f2
A new Full frame Sigma 24-35mm f/2 lens will be announced in the near future. As Sigma announced it is the World’s first f/2 zoom lens available for FF cameras, prime lens performance with zoom lens versatility.
sigma 24-35mm f2 Art
The look and finish of the lens is similar to the Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art lens.

At first it is a strange focal length from Sigma, but after the success of the Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 art a new lens is coming. As the focal length looks it is a similar lens to the 18-35mm for Full frame cameras, with a little wider wide angle and little less reach for telephoto. It is like a 16-22mm on Dx cameras.

For those who don’t heard about the Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 lens yet, it is a tack sharp lens at wide open at any focal length, which is unique, sharper than many fixed lenses, but for Aps-C cameras.

The f/2 brightness gives lot more bokeh on Full frame than the f/1.8 on Aps-C. Many people use their Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 Art lenses for Full frame cameras already. The pricing and availability of the new Sigma 24-35mm f2 Art is not yet known.

Sigma 24-35mm f/2 Art
Canon EF mount, Nikon F, Sigma SA mounts expected first
Filter size:
82 mm
Lens elements / groups:
No info yet, but complex design I guess (update 18 lens elements /in 13 groups)
Exotic Lens elements:
Several exotic elements expected, ( update 1 Fluorite and 7 Sld glass elements)
940 g ( 33.2 oz. )
87.6×122.7 mm / 3.4×4.8 inch
Close focus distance:
No information about it yet, probably 0.3 m ( 1′) seems the most likely (update 28cm 1′)
yes HSM drive
Front element rotates:
Moving barrel elements during focusing:
Focus preset modes:
No data yet
Af-mf switch
Lens Mount material:
Full Frame or FX
0.23 x
Reproduction ratio:
1: 4.4
Aperture blades:
9 rounded diaphragm blades is the most likely
Distance scale:
Manual focus override:
Focal length:
24-35 mm
Max Aperture:
f/2 in the whole range
Min Aperture:
Angle of view:
84°-63° on Full frame
FTM (Manual focus override):
Focus limiter:
Tripod mount ring:
Lens hood:
yes, front and back lens cap, lens hood, case
Tilt / shift:


The price of the Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 lens is 800 USD, the new lens expected to be more expensive as it is a Full frame lens.

Optical quality

If the optical quality of the new lens will be as good as the quality of the earlier 18-35mm f/1.8, the lens will be a hot seller. There are 8 exotic glass elements in the lens construction incuding FLD glass which means it can be a very good lens.

May 202015
Panasonic G7
4k video for 800 USD ? Looks quite interesting. It is not equal to the Panasonic GH4 though but still very interesting

Panasonic G7
The new Panasonic G7 camera is coming. The new camera has a 16 Megapixel Live MOS sensor, 2.36M dots viewfinder, and a Venus Engine 9 image processing system. The camera can record 4K video at 30 or 24 frames per second framerate.

The camera has a fully articulated 1040K Touch screen, Wifi connectivity, and can shoot up to 40 frames per second in high speed mode. Seems Panasonic don’t hold back anything(compare to the competition, but some functions reserved to the GH4). It is interesting for the new Sony a6100 as well. The iso range of the new camera go up to ISO 25,600 setting.

The price of the new camera is 800 USD with the 14-42mm kit lens.

Panasonic G7 specifications

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Release date: 2015

Photo parameters

Resolution: 16 Megapixel
Picture size: 4592 x 3448 Pixel, other picture size from 0,23 to 11,2 Megapixel
ISO range:100-25600
Type: Electronic & Mechanical
Speed: 60 – 1/4000 second
Type: Electronic & Mechanical
Speed: 2 – 0 minutes in Bulb Mode
Type: Electronic
Speed: 1 – 1/16000 second
1/125 – 1/16000 second in Movie Mode

Dynamic range: No info yet
Colour depth: No info yet
Dxo high iso score: No info yet
Focus points / crosstype points:
Built in flash: Yes
Flash synch speed: 1/160s
Flash external connection:
Lens focus motor:
Lens mount:
Diffraction limit:
Continuous shooting: 8 frames per second

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Live view: yes
Video: yes
HDR: yes
Panorama: No
3D: No
Wifi: yes
GPS(usually just geotagging): No
Dust removal system: Yes

Physical parameters

Sensor format: Micro 4/3
Crop factor: 2
Sensor size: 17.3 x 13 mm
Weight: 415g / 14.64 oz.
Camera Size: 124.9 x 86.2 x 77.4 mm , 4.9 x 3.4 x 3.0 ”
LCD resolution: 1040k dots
Flipout LCD: yes
Touch screen: yes
Viewfinder size/coverage: %
Storage slots: 1/sd, sdhc, sdxc card
Battery: 1x Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery Pack, 7.2 VDC, 1200 mAh

Video parameters

Video autofocus: Yes
Video format: 4K (3840 x 2160/30,24 fps (100 MBit/s) ) HD (1920×1080/60,30 fps 1080×720/30 640×480/30,25)
External mic jack:
File format: No mov format, Mp4 or AVHCD

Panasonic G7 other parameters

Start up time: 2, 10s

Panasonic G7 connections

The camera has the following connections:
-HDMI D (Micro),
-1/8″ Microphone,
-2.5mm Sub-mini (2-Ring),
-USB 2.0,
-Viera Link

Panasonic G7 standard accessories

-Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery
-Body Cap
-Battery Charger
-Front Lens Cap
-Rear Lens Cap
-Lens Hood
-Hot Shoe Cover
-Shoulder Strap
-USB Connection Cable
-AC Cable
-Software DVD-ROM
-Limited 1-Year Warranty

Panasonic G7 vs GH4

-No Mov format in the new Panasonic G7
-4K resolution is better on the GH4 (4160 vs 3840 pixel)
-In some formats the GH4 has 200 MBS bitrate (the G7 max 100 MBPS)
-220 min video length vs 29min 59 sec in the G7
-No headphone jack, zebra pattern, timecode and other pro features in the G7, which the GH4 has.
-The Panasonic G7 has a dual electronic mechanical shutter

Panasonic G7 pre order link

At below link (when the link is there) it is possible to pre-order the new camera in several versions.
Panasonic G7 on BHphotovideo

Panasonic G7 release date

The camera is expected to be available from end of June 2015-

Prime or zoom lens ?

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May 192015

Prime or zoom lens ?

Prime or zoom lens
It is an interesting topic, which lens we need or which lens we prefer, primes or zooms ? I use Canon and Nikon cameras so mostly I know these two manufacturers lenses, but choices regarding focal length shows similarities in other brands as well.

To start I have two prime and two zoom lenses at the moment which can change time to time as I constantly test a lens of some kind.

Prime lenses

Many people never tries a prime. Try a very good prime and you will be surprised. You can possibly make pictures you only dreamt of. But not all primes are good. There are several prime lenses which is simply not needed. The thing here you have a single focal length, it needs to be right other case no point to have the lens.

For Dx cameras the Nikon 35mm f/1.8 is a must have lens for serious shooters. Not very expensive, excellent, sharp and bright. The focal lens is also quite useful. For Canon the situation is not so simple. If you not after portraits the 50mm lenses can be annoying on a crop camera. Picture quality is nice but what to do with it? Canon 135mm f/2 and the Canon 200mm f/2.8 are two extraordinary lenses to try. Other interesting prime lenses is the Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art and Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art lenses. Both lens is very sharp even wide open, and can create a nice bokeh.

If I think about a prime lens I want better image quality or better brightness or speed or both. If the prime lens only a little better image quality than the zoom, perhaps not worth it. Typical is some older Canon prime lenses without any special elements just don’t deliver in terms of picture quality.

Some of them makes some ok images but nothing extraordinary, and some of them even missing the minimal coating meaning very bad against flare. On the other hand awkward lenses like the Canon 28-300mm makes pictures with better contrast and colors (not resolution) because there are some special elements helps to increase quality.

Special lens elements

Lenses with special elements mostly ED or fluorite are much better in terms of picture quality.

To check it the easiest way to check the high end lenses of the telephoto realm, all of them has flourite and Ed elements. Some lenses works ok without special elements, but in many cases without it won’t be keepers. My approach I don’t want 20 lenses in my bag, but want the the really best 2-3 ones. Why to buy and carry 5 wide angle prime if all mediocre or similar to a zoom ?

Benefits of prime lenses:

-Usually more brightness
-Smaller size and weight
-Usually better sharpness
-usually better contrast
-Better against dust
-Easier to be better built

Drawbacks of prime lenses:

Not so versatile, or other words very poor in versatility, zooming with feet, the problem it is not always possible.

Other area where primes excel is long focal length wildlife/bird photography. The image quality of some this long primes are fantastic.

Zoom lenses

Benefits of zoom lenses:

-Higher versatility
-Greater flexibility to create, compose

Drawbacks of zoom lenses:

-Most high quality zooms are very expensive
-Usually less bright, than prime lenses


If we don’t want to change lenses all the time two camera bodies are preferred. I don’t like to change lenses all the time, so I have two camera bodies. There are other benefits as well, there is a spare camera if something happens.

Superzoom lenses

There is one more option but mostly for beginners: one camera with a superzoom lens. A 18-300, 16-300mm or other lens like this is not a serious option, we end up a very versatile and comfortable setup but we sacrifice quality at all length, we don’t have a sharp wide angle neither a sharp telephoto, and loses lots of light in the way f/3.5-6.3 usually.

If we specialized and don’t want to participate all kinds of photography it is ok the one camera setup, either with a normal lens, a macro, a telephoto or a wild angle.

Mid-range zoom

A 24-105mm lens on Full frame or 15-85mm, 16-85mm lenses are the best options for one lens solution covering wide range but the long end. In fact I like my 16-85mm very much, it gives very nice versatility, only the long telephoto and a brightness is missing.

Two lens setup

The usual setup is one wide and one telephoto lens.
The possible combinations: two prime, two zoom, one zoom, one prime.

Two zooms

Most people like most wedding photographers using two zooms. On a Full frame body a 24-70 and a 70-200mm cover the range from 24-200mm but it is very boring I think. But it is a very versatile setup.

Two primes

Let’s say with two primes we have a style in photography itself. Bold decision. Obviously if our goal is something high level, we choose two very nice prime lenses and we set. Some possibilities missed, but we can have bright lenses, we can go light, and has the best image quality.

One prime one zoom

This is my setup one wide angle zoom and a bright prime telephoto. At the wide end is very hard to find a prime which is very good and not extremely pricey, and the focal length is also not easy to find out. If would need to 24mm or 15,16mm on crop would be my choice.

Nikon has a very nice 24mm f/1.4, Canon also has (24mm TS-E only manual though) but the price..hmm. Still if we pay the price we very much degraded in usability with the 24mm. If we speak about crop cameras, we would need a 15,16mm prime. It is very hard to even think about a remarkable 16mm for crop. Zeiss has a manual 15mm prime which is also very expensive.

At the longer end until the new Tamron 150-600mm and the new Canon 100-400 II there we no really good lens for wildlife photography, the best choices the Canon 400mm f/5.6 and the Nikon 300mm f/4.


Which lens you prefer, the Tamron 150-600mm for 1070 USD or the Nikon 800mm f/5.6 FL Ed VR for 18,000 USD ? Interesting question and the answer is different for anybody. But let’s state that most people cannot afford these super expensive miracles. I like photography very much but there are other things in life as well which need money. The list is long and not really interesting.