Photography tips
Photography tips free courses tutorials
Close up photography tips
114+ Photography tips for Dslr camerasI use Dslr cameras the most. But at the beginning it is not as easy to get used to as you think. The results you get can be inferior what you get from the compact camera. This future article will help in many ways to be more effective with Dslr photography. Currently most people use Canon and Nikon dslr cameras. I have both of them, with several lenses as well, and you can check my lens reviews in the lens reviews page in the main menu. There are other manufacturers as well, Pentax also has Dslr cameras, earlier Olympus and Minolta manufactured Dslr cameras, and there are other manufacturers as well like Leica, Mamiya (recently bought by Phase One), Hasselblad who made not so widespread super expensive Dslr cameras. Most of these cameras has a Middle format sensor and lenses. 114+ Photography tips for Dslr cameras 57+ Photography tips for compact camerasMany people using compact cameras. How to make beautiful pictures with compact cameras ? The thorough article helps with that. The following tips included in the article: – general tips Many of the tips and tricks included in this article also can be used not just compact cameras but any other cameras as well. 57+ Photography tips for compact cameras Quick bird photography tutorialOne of the most popular article. It explains bird photography, what are the goals and challenges, and how to make beautiful bird photos. A quick overview over several factors which count in bird photography. How to photograph birds with a bright sky background, how to approach birds, which camera settings used in order to get the best results. Hope you find inspiring pictures as well. Quick bird photography tutorial Macro photography tipsTips about macro photography – what are the most important factors in macro photography? Are teleconverters and extension tubes are useful ? Which are the true macro lenses ? What is a minimum focus distance in macro photography ? How to set up your camera for macro photography and how to post process pictures after taking them ? |
ISO in photography
The article explains simply what is iso in photography, how to use it in different genre of photography, how to adjust it, how it is connect with shutter speed and aperture. There are samples as well for different settings. |
Free HDR program Qtpfsgui
The free program can extend our creative potential considerably. |
Bokeh effect in photography tutorial
In photography Bokeh means the out of focus (also used oof ) areas of the image. The article explains several ways to use this very common technique, how to make our pictures more interesting 3D like. |
Paint with your camera
The article explains the concept more |
Blur the borders of the picture
This kind of pictures are most common for example in car races but works very well in a number of different situations as well. The pictures shows motion and has a more artistic expressive look. You can learn the technic from the article. Read more |
Practices to be a better photographer
Photography is about light, and understand how it works is essential to get the best out of it. But it don’t stops there there are many other practices which helps to grow your photography in different ways. You can learn these practices from this article Read more |
Basic post processing with GIMP in 5 simple stepsHow to post process images quickly and effectively ? You can learn 5 simple steps with examples with the completely free GIMP software how can you make your images look much better. Although GIMP is a free software it is a serious program with many functions, including layers, layer masks and other advanced functions as well. |
Playing with the backgroundSometimes our background is not so nice and we cannot move the main subject away to a better position. What we can do in certain types of shots that we use a simple trick. You can find this from the article together with other tricks regarding the background. |
Image sensor types and sizesThe main thing in the digital camera is the sensor, which substitute film in film cameras. The final image quality mainly depends on the sensor size and quality. Which are the usual sensor formats, sizes and what is the connection between them ? What are the parameters of picture quality ? How to test or measure sensor performance ? |
Night photography tips
Playing with highlights depth of field and more
You can learn from the article how to use highlights and depth of field to spice up your photo. |
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Practices to be a better photographer
Practices to be a better photographer
DSLR photography basics
Image sensor types and sizes
What is the difference between Full frame and Aps-C ?
Information about different image sensor sizes and formats. Is the bigger sensor better than the smaller one ?
Image sensor types and sizes
Filters for landscape photography
Which are the most popular filters in landscape and other types of photography ? The most common filters, how to use them, stacking filters.
Filters for landscape photography
Night photography tips
Coming soon.
Photography tips for beginners
Photography tips for beginners-Introduction
If you are a beginner in Dsrl photography I thought to give you a free school here about the basics. Understanding camera bodies and lenses, aperture and iso, usm motor and all kinds of fancy staff. The material can be accessed here are not final, I usually update it and refine it time to time. Please note that there is some repeating, and overlapping going on in the articles regarding the photography basics. First I think to learn is ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.
Learn Dslr photography basics
Almost everything covered here what you need after bought your first Dsrl camera.
Learn Dsrl photography basics
Understanding aperture
Shutter speed in photography
Understanding iso a key issue to use your camera at it’s full potential
Selecting modes, which modes to use ?
Aperture priority mode
Shutter priority mode
Program mode
Manual mode
How to get the desired look for your images
How to get a desired look for your images?
Framing the picture
Dslr camera controls
Beginner tutorial about Dslr camera lenses
Beginner tutorial about Dslr camera lenses
Photography terms
It is possible to learn lots of things from that.
Photography terms
How to ruin a photo ?
It is possible to learn lots of things from that.
How to ruin a photo ?
Depth of field
What depth of field is? What is it good for? How to control the depth of field ?
Depth of field
Landscape photography tips
How to make beautiful landscapes ?
Landscape photography tips
Wedding photography tips
Wedding photography tips
Wedding photography tips
Creative photography
Lots of photography tips
Creative photography
Photography tips for beginners-Types of camera lenses
Canon’s USM motor
What to check before buy a camera ?
What to check before buy a camera ?
Canon dsrl vs Nikon dslr ?
How to photograph birds ?
How to use gimp to edit photos ?
How to use gimp to edit photos ?
Photography tips for beginners – For start
To start I suggest the following: understanding your camera and lens. Understanding aperture and iso. Understand light and exposure compensation. Understanding shutter speed. Understanding flash usage. Make some landscapes, portraits, pictures of anything, pet, product, try to make light and dark images. Images of action and still life. Night images and images in bright sunlight.
How to use a Dsrl camera – Photography tips for beginners
If you never used a Dsrl camera, and got one, I can give you some tips to start with. First there is round Dial at the top left side of the camera, called Mode dial. This is one of the most basic control of the Dsrl camera. Turn it to A or Av. This function called aperture priority mode.
Aperture is the hole on the lens where the light comes in the camera. To change the size of this hole it is possible to make different kinds of pictures. After turn the mode dial to Av, there is a horizontal dial usually under the shutter release button at the top right side of the camera or at the top of the right side of the back of the camera, or there are two dials on some cameras.
With some of these dials or if it is one dial with this one dial you can set the aperture of the camera. If you have a kit lens, you can see numbers from 3.5 to 22 usually at the back of the camera or if your camera has a top LCD on that LCD.
With turning the dials you can change numbers from 3.5- to 22 usually. This numbers is depends on the lens not the camera. The smaller number shows how bright your lens is and how many light can the lens let in the camera sensor.
The most bright lenses has usually 0.9-1 or 1.2 aperture, but lenses with 1.8 aperture is also very bright. If you set your aperture for example 3.5 if it is the smallest number, this way the camera lets the maximum light in, and makes the picture the most quickly.
This aperture is usually best in low light, where there are not so many light. At the same time this aperture has the lowest depth of field available, if you want to blur the background of the images, try to makes a photo to put something really close to the lens (the lens has a minimum focusing distance which is usually between 20-400cm (8-200″) depend on lens, telephoto lenses has longer minimum focus distance, the longer the lens usually the MFD is longer as well for example 1-1.5m for 200mm lens 2-4m for 400mm lens 6m for 600mm lens and so on.)
Last update: Dec 2015