Quick tips for photography


Quick tips for photography

Here I collect quick tips for photography. Only a short time needed to read the tip. The tips will be in a wide range from real beginners to advanced levels with all kinds of different themes. There are some assignments as well. I hope you can learn something about photography here quickly.

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How to make sharp images
Why my images are not sharp ?
Lens rent
Check the full aperture range
OOF pictures
Go closer
Sweet spot
Try different angles
Chose the colors of your image

If you want there are longer articles and reviews as well in this website under Photography articles, lens reviews, camera reviews and reviews. If you interesting in latest rumors or news you can check Canon news and Nikon news in the menu. There are Sony news Pentax news and Panasonc news as well. Even others but some time needed to catch up.

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 Posted by at 2:26 pm