Camera reviews
Camera reviews 2014 2015 2016
Camera reviews
Best mirrorless cameras 2015
Best Dslr cameras 2015
Nikon d5500 announced
Introduction – camera specs and reviews
Below you can find reviews of different digital reflex cameras and mirrorless cameras. There are camera comparisons as well: comparing two cameras or comparison tables for several cameras to see more easily the differences and similarities. Currently only Canon and Nikon camera reviews can be found here, possible reviews of other cameras will appear in the future. Why Canon and Nikon? Because this companies has the best quality photo equipments. Not only cameras, but lenses, flashes and all kinds of other accessories as well. See the professional people who living from photography: What kind of photography equipment do they use? How many of these people use different brands, not Canon or Nikon? I guess at least 90% or 95% or even more of these photographers use either Canon or Nikon photography equipment. Does this mean that other brands like Pentax, Sony, Olympus, Panasonic are not good? Not at all. These companies also make wonderful cameras, some of them can be better than Canon or Nikon cameras. But as a system (camera, lens, accessories) Canon and Nikon are much more matured and proven. Especially in lens department they have a huge advantage when compared to other brands.
Canon camera rumors
Canon 80d
Canon 750d
Canon 1300d
Canon camera reviews
Canon 5d Mk3 review
Canon 550d review
Canon 30d review
Canon camera comparisons
Updated – Canon Full Frame comparison table
Updated Canon Aps-C camera comparison table
Canon 700d vs 650d
Interesting Canon entry level cameras
Canon vs Nikon dslr
Canon Dslr camera specifications
Canon 1Dx detailed specification
Canon 1Dc detailed specification
Canon 5d Mk3 detailed specification
Canon 5d Mk2 detailed specification
Canon 5d detailed specification
Canon 6d detailed specification
Canon 7d detailed specification
Canon 70d detailed specification
Canon 60d detailed specification
Canon 60da detailed specification
Canon 50d detailed specification
Canon 40d detailed specification
Canon 700d detailed specification
Canon 650d detailed specification
Canon 600d detailed specification
Canon 550d detailed specification
Canon 500d detailed specification
Canon 450d detailed specification
Canon 400d detailed specification
Canon 350d detailed specification
Canon 300d detailed specification
Canon 100d detailed specification
Canon 1200d detailed specification
Canon mirrorless camera specifications
Canon M detailed specification
Pentax camera comparison table
Pentax camera specifications
Pentax 645 D II
Pentax K5 II detailed specification
Pentax K5 IIs detailed specification
Pentax K3 detailed specification
Pentax K01 detailed specification
Pentax K50 detailed specification
Pentax K500 detailed specification
Pentax Q7 detailed specification
Pentax Q10 detailed specification
Pentax K-30 detailed specification
Fujifilm camera specifications
Fuji X-A1 detailed specification
Fuji X-E1 detailed specification
Fuji X-E2 detailed specification
Fuji X-M1 detailed specification
Fuji X-Pro 1 detailed specification
Fuji X-T1
Samsung camera specifications
Samsung Nx 1
Samsung Nx mini
Samsung galaxy NX detailed specification
Samsung NX300 detailed specification
Samsung NX300m detailed specification
Samsung NX2000 detailed specification
Samsung NX mini detailed specification
Nikon camera rumors
Nikon camera reviews
Nikon d7100 review
Nikon d7000 review
Nikon d5200 review
Nikon d700 review
Nikon camera comparisons
Updated – Nikon Full Frame comparison table
Updated – Nikon Aps-C comparison table
Nikon d5200 vs d5100
Nikon d7100 vs d7000
Nikon Dslr camera specifications
Nikon d4s detailed specification
Nikon d4 detailed specification
Nikon d800e detailed specification
Nikon d800 detailed specification
Nikon DF detailed specification
Nikon d700 detailed specification
Nikon d610 detailed specification
Nikon d600 detailed specification
Nikon d7100 detailed specification
Nikon d7000 detailed specification
Nikon d300 detailed specification
Nikon d5300 detailed specification
Nikon d5200 detailed specification
Nikon d5100 detailed specification
Nikon d3300 detailed specification
Nikon d3200 detailed specification
Nikon d3100 detailed specification
Nikon mirrorless camera specifications
Nikon 1 AW1 detailed specification
Nikon 1 J2 detailed specification
Nikon 1 J3 detailed specification
Nikon 1 J4 detailed specification
Nikon 1 S1 detailed specification
Nikon 1 V2 detailed specification
Nikon 1 V3 detailed specification
Sony camera comparisons
Sony cameras 2014 comparison table
Sony camera specifications
Sony a99 detailed specification
Sony Alpha 7 detailed specification
Sony Alpha 7R detailed specification
Sony Alpha a3000 detailed specification
Sony Alpha a5000 detailed specification
Sony Alpha a6000 detailed specification
Sony SLT a57 detailed specification
Sony SLT a58 detailed specification
Sony Nex 6 detailed specification
Sony Nex 5T detailed specification
Sony Nex 5r detailed specification
Sony Nex 3N detailed specification
Sony Nex F3 detailed specification
Sony SLT a37 detailed specification
Olympus camera specifications
Olympus E M1 detailed specification
Olympus E M5 detailed specification
Olympus E M10 detailed specification
Olympus E P5 detailed specification
Olympus E PL5 detailed specification
Olympus E PM2 detailed specification
Panasonic camera specifications
Panasonic G3 detailed specification
Panasonic G5 detailed specification
Panasonic G6 detailed specification
Panasonic GF5 detailed specification
Panasonic GF6 detailed specification
Panasonic GH2 detailed specification
Panasonic GH3 detailed specification
Panasonic GH4 detailed specification
Panasonic GH4
Panasonic GM1 detailed specification
Panasonic GX7 detailed specification
Compact cameras
read more about the Canon N2 selfie camera here
read more about the Canon SX60 HS here
read more about the Canon G7X here
Read more about Canon SX520 here
Canon timeline of Mirrorless digital cameras
Canon EOS M – 2012 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS M II – China and Japan – 2013
Canon timeline of Dslr cameras
Canon EOS 1200d – 2014 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 100d – 2013 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 70d – 2013 20 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 700d – 2013 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 6d – 2012 20 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS 650d – 2012 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 60da – 2012 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 1 Dc – 2012 18 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS 5d Mk III – 2012 22 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS 1Dx – 2011 – 18 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS 600d – 2011 – 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 1100d – 2011 – 12 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 60d – 2010 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 550d – 2010 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 7d – 2009 18 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 1d Mk IV – 2009 16 Megapixel Aps-H (Crop factor 1.3x)
Canon EOS 500d – 2009 15 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 1000d – 2008 10 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 50d – 2008 15 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 5d Mk II – 2008 20 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS 1Ds Mk III – 2007 21 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS 40D – 2007 10 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 30D – 2006 8 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 350D – 2005 8 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 5D – 2005 13 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS 20Da – 2005 8 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 1D Mk II N – 2005 8 Megapixel Aps-H (Crop factor 1.3x)
Canon EOS 20D – 2004 8 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 1D Mk II – 2004 8 Megapixel Aps-H (Crop factor 1.3x)
Canon EOS 1Ds Mk II – 2004 16 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS 10D – 2003 6 Megapixel Aps-C
Canon EOS 1Ds – 2002 11 Megapixel Full frame
Canon EOS d60 – 2002
Canon EOS 1D – 2001 4.2 Megapixel Aps-H (Crop factor 1.3x)
Canon EOS d30 – 2000
Compact cameras
Samsung WB 2200F
Nikon S9700
Canon G1X Mk II
What are camera
reviews about?
In the review of the specific camera I usually check the following attributes:
Handling, build quality
One of the primary features of the camera is a build quality. Can it last for several years or survive only for a year or two? How is it to be handled? Is it good for people with large or small hands? How well the camera is balanced with a small or a big lens? Are the buttons in the good place or not? Are there enough buttons? How quickly is possible to adjust White balance, iso, aperture, flash, aperture compensation ?
Picture quality, resolution, colours, contrast
Perhaps the most interesting feature for many people. Is it better than the old camera or not? How sharp pictures the camera can make? How the colours of the camera look like? How snappy pictures the camera can make?
Low light performance
In Dsrl world where is the improvement is measured usually is low light performance or high iso performance. Up to iso ? makes the camera acceptable images, in small prints?
Autofocus performance
How quickly can we focus with the camera? How many focus points the camera has and how many crosstype points? How well the camera focuses in low light situations? How good at tracking moving objects?
Shutter sound
Newer cameras has better and better shutter sound. More and more camera offers quiet modes, or silent shutters.
What functions the camera has? Can the camera correct lens chromatic aberrations, or distortion? Can a camera make HDR pictures? What kind of post processing possible in the camera ?
How good is the LCD of the camera? How good is the resolution? Fixed LCD or flips out, which is better for video recording ?
New functions
What are the new function, what is not possible with the older modell ? Is the camera has touchscreen, dual layer focusing, 3d focusing, time lapse video, high speed video functions ?
How usable the camera is? For which purpose ? Is it better for landscapes or wildlife ?
How good is the camera for video recording? How good at manual video settings? What kind of post processing possible in the camera?
Available lenses
Perhaps more important than the camera itself. What kind of lenses we want to use for the camera? Is the manufacturer has the specific lenses we desire?
Price/performance ratio
Is the camera worth the money or it is better to buy a cheaper model instead and spare money, or spend the money on something else. Or better to buy a more expensive camera model?
Alternatives on the market
Is there a better camera on the market, or a better value camera, or a similar camera with lot cheaper?
Short camera overview 2014
(we will see how sort will it be): If you new to photography and have no idea about brands and cameras I give you some general knowledge how to select and what are the differences between newer cameras and lenses. Basically we identify three categories of cameras:
1. Dsrl cameras
(Manufacturers: Canon Nikon Sony Pentax Sigma Hasselblad)
2. Milc cameras
(Manufacturers: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Panasonic, Olympus, Fuji, Samsung)
3. Compact cameras
What do these names mean and what are the differences among them ? The three key factor to have a good understanding of the cameras is the following:
1. Sensor size
– this is one of the important factor to judge the camera image quality, no magic usually bigger sensors are better, because let’s more light in but at the same time more expensive. We identify the following sensor sizes:
Middle format
this cameras has a sensor sizes of bigger than 36mm*24mm usually 44mm or even bigger. This cameras has the highest image quality at a highest price. Because of the price this cameras are not so widely spread. This cameras has the shallowest depth of field as well. Cameras made by Hasselblad, Phase One, Mamiya and Leica are here in this category. Pentax also has a Middle format camera the Pentax 645D, which has a new version coming this year the Pentax 645D II.
Pentax 645 D II
Full frame 36*24mm
This is the most used format for professionals cameras like Canon 5d,6d or Nikon d610, Nikon d800 is in this category.
Aps-C or Dx in Nikon
22*15mm or around that dimensions, this is the most common sensor size apart from compact cameras
Micro Four Thirds
18*13mm(Panasonic Olympus), and
Smaller which sensor sizes
are mostly used in compact cameras, the most common is the 1/2.3″.
2. Camera type
– basically two types existing: Mirrorless and Dsrl cameras.
Dsrl cameras has a mirror which lets to see real-time real picture in the viewfinder at the top of the camera. Mirrorless cameras are like compact cameras, no mirror, we look at the rear LCD panel to see the picture we going to make. Some of this cameras has an electronic viewfinder (EVF) which means that the sensor image is projected in the viewfinder position, but this is not a real but a projected electronical image, which means usually has a delay compare what we see, and in challenging situation like very bright and dark scenes not so usable.
3. Camera System
– how many lenses are available, for which cost and quality? Flashes other accessories ?
Camera manufacturers
Best cameras today
Middle format cameras are very expensive products and I don’t have a huge experience with them, so I don’t want to give a judgement on that, but usually these Mamiya, Phase One, Leica cameras has very good image quality, but mostly used by professionals. There is a rumor Canon also enters this market. Canon and Nikon is a safe bet. In Aps-C cameras Nikon is better started from the d7000 or d5100 camera if we only check the cameras, because in lens department the situation is not the same.
If you want smaller mirrorless cameras: Fuji X-mount cameras has a new sensor technology but the system is quite new. Micro Four-Thirds cameras are also good Olympus E-P5 is the best. Leica also has a very good new camera.
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